- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 26, 2017

First Anthony Scaramucci — now Jeff Sessions.

The attorney general — the one whose come under fire by President Donald Trump for recusing himself weeks ago from all-things-Russia tied to the 2016 election — is about to get hot on criminal leakers.

This can only be a boon to the White House.

Leakers have thwarted Trump’s policy platforms since he’s taken office.

Scaramucci, the newly appointed White House communications director, said he’s so intent on rooting out leakers that he’ll fire everybody if he has to and build up a new plate of public relations folk — both loyal and tight-lipped in character.

And kudos to Scaramucci for saying so.

Well, now comes Sessions. And despite the fact that Trump’s taken a very public dislike to Sessions of late, expressing disgruntlement at the attorney general’s previous recusal from Russia investigations as they pertain to leftist-fueled collusion claims, the ex-senator is really stepping up to the plate.

One U.S. official “familiar with the discussion” told Fox News that Sessions “will soon announce several criminal leak investigations.”

Oh, happy day. Let’s hope it’s all true.

Reportedly, the federal investigations will focus on media publications that have put out sensitive information — and root out just where these media peeps got their information.

The stepped-up A.G. look at leaks has reportedly been in the works for weeks, Fox said. At the same time, they come right after Trump publicly criticized Sessions for failing to follow the trail on leaks.

“I want the attorney general to be much tougher,” Trump said on Tuesday. “I want the leaks from intelligence agencies, which are leaking like rarely have they ever leaked before, at a very important level. These are intelligence agencies — we cannot have that happen.”

Quite right.

Sessions owes the American people an honest and thorough investigation into those sources who’ve maybe compromised the country’s security, or who could do so in the future, if allowed to continue their leaks.

The fact that a Sessions investigation puts the media in the crosshairs, too, is just icing on the cake.

A Sessions investigation would not only serve as a warning to future leakers. It would also put the press on notice about publishing reports from questionable sources, absent proper attribution. Note to the Russia-Trump collusion obsessed New York Times, also known in some circles as the King of the Anonymous Source: Are you listening?

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