- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Hillary Clinton, of “I Should’ve Won the White House!” fame, apparently isn’t content to deliver 10- and 20-second talking points from her national podium about the dang Russians who worked with President Donald Trump to give him that presidential title.

She’s gotta write a book about it, too.

That’s right. Clinton’s new book will reportedly double down on the Russian election interference angle — as well as one that rings in former FBI chief James Comey as a heavy factor in her loss, too.

She just wants to get the story out, her friends privately say.

“She really believes that’s why she lost, and she wants to explain why in no uncertain terms,” one of her political supporters told The Hill. “She wants the whole story out there from her own perspective. I think a lot of people are going to be really surprised by how much she reveals.”

Well, probably not — not if the book focuses, as hinted, on the Russia-Trump election collusion message, or on the Comey’s a Traitor rhetoric, either. America already knows these lines. And they’re boring.

It’s too bad. Clinton’s missing an opportunity to write something actually interesting.

The Clintons have been in politics for a long, very long time. And they’ve proven time and again a willingness to wheel and deal, to use political office for personal gain and to lie about it when it benefits. That means their friend list is long — so too, their enemy list. If she would only dish, her book would probably be a bombshell.

But that’s not the Hillary way. She’d rather throw a pity party.

On that, even Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer says it’s time to bury the hatchet.

“When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia — you blame yourself,” Schumer said to The Washington Post, just recently.

Clinton’s failure is she can’t.

And on that score, her book carries a larger message.

If Clinton’s memoirs are heavy on the same sort of finger-pointing we’ve already been treated to since November, it’ll be the mark of political death for her. It’s bad enough Clinton’s rhetoric shows she can’t move on from her loss. Putting it in writing, for all the world to see, and in a form that’s as long as a book, will prove once and for all her resiliency to bounce back from adversity has been tapped.

She’ll be remembered not only for her failed political career, but also for her book-length whine about why she was screwed.

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