- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 25, 2017

President Donald Trump tweeted in the leadup to Jared Kushner’s widely waited for Senate-Russia testimony that it’s not a swamp he’s trying to drain.

It’s a sewer.

And yes indeed, that description is much more apt.

“Drain the Swamp should be changed to Drain the Sewer,” he tweeted. “It’s actually much worse than anyone ever thought, and it begins with the Fake News!”

The guy’s got a point.

More than six months into Trump’s presidency, the left just can’t let it go Trump is president. And not only the Democratic left. There are plenty of Republicans out there taking jabs and stabs at the White House, whenever and wherever convenient — not to mention, well covered by the media.

Jeb Bush just did a sneaky hit job on Trump, telling a crowd of OZY Fest-goers in New York City that Republicans ought to be more vocal about Trump and Russia.

His words: “If your opponent does things that you, your head explodes on — if Barack Obama did something as it’s related to Russia [and] you say, ’this is outrageous,’ all this stuff — then when your guy does the same thing, have the same passion to be critical.”

His intent?

To get fellow Republicans to throw Trump under the Russian bus. 

There are plenty of RINOs riding that same anti-Trump train. And it’s headed in the same direction as the lunatic fringe on the left.

One of the progressive world’s biggest, angriest mouths, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, just put out an all-points-bulletin for neighborhoods around the nation to “get ready, our movement is coming” and it’s one that’s heck-bent on taking out Trump from the White House.

His sentiments were echoed by another loon of the left, Rep. Maxine Waters, who’s spent several months trying to find cause to impeach Trump and who made national headlines again just this past weekend with more of the same rhetoric — at a friendly New Hampshire picnic, no less.

“Mr. President,” she said in warning tones to the crowd, Breitbart noted, “we are organizing. And we are organizing to bring you down. And bring your agenda down.”

These are congressional members, people — duly elected, supposedly sane and politically savvy representatives of the constituency. Think about that for a moment.

This is acceptable political dissent to Democrats.

Then come the intel community, the Deep State, the media with all its left-leaning members’ 24-7 ramping of whatever tidbit can be found — whatever rumor, dug; whatever tie, tied; whatever innuendo, whispered — to keep going the Russia Collusion mantra, at all costs, and it’s like the circle of sharks is complete. 

Democrats meet media meet hostile anti-Trumping Republicans. It’s a recipe for endless obstructionism, criticism, political attacks and shady alliances.

Come to think of it, Trump may be understating. Sewer may actually be kind.

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