- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A California imam who was captured on video calling for the annihilation of Jews ought to be investigated for subversive behaviors.

He ought to be watched; he ought to be watchdogged to death. And the Islamic center that welcomed his sermon? That site should be infiltrated with counterterror authorities.

Let’s not play around here. Talk like this has no place in America. Yes, there’s a First Amendment.

There’s also common sense.

Islamic nuts have every right to speak their piece. But America’s intel and law enforcement have every right to listen and take note — and America’s saner citizenry have every right to protest calls for violence.

We don’t hesitate to demand the government keep a watch on groups like the Ku Klux Klan. Why should Muslim places of gathering and Islamic leaders of the faith be given free passes?

Here’s the story, from the Jerusalem Post, which derived the information from a translation from the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI: “In a July 21 lecture posted on the Davis Masjid YouTube channel, Muslim preacher Ammar Shahin spoke in English and Arabic about how all Muslims, not only Palestinians or Syrian, will be called upon to kill all the Jews ’in the last day.’ … He also prayed that al-Aksa mosque be liberated from the ’filth of the Jews.’ “

Shahin serves at the Islamic Center of Davis in California. Breitbart noted he also quoted from an antisemitic hadith during this sermon — which was focused on the the ongoing controversies between Palestinians and Israelis at the Temple Mount — and prayed for Allah to “annihilate [Jews] down to the very last one.”

Apparently, the videotaped sermon, uploaded last Friday, has since been removed.

But my oh my. That doesn’t sound very peaceful, does it? At the least, it’s downright unfriendly. Quite unlike what Islamic believers want believed about their religion — that it’s all gardens and roses, charitable and peaceable in purposes.

Shahin, born in Egypt, has been in the United States since 1999. In the United States — in California.

In other words: This isn’t a guy from across the seas. He’s local — domestic. And he’s calling for the killing of what he terms filthy Jews.

Outrageous. This is a case-in-point example of why America’s intel agents belong in mosques and so-called Islamic centers located around the country. That’s not Islamophobia. That’s protection — and any Islamic leader with nothing to hide would see similarly.

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