- The Washington Times - Friday, July 21, 2017

It is what broadcasters call the “good get.” Fox News Channel’s prime-time anchorman Sean Hannity interviewed former White House press secretary Sean Spicer following a day of drama in the news media realm. Mr. Spicer resigned his post Friday following Anthony Scaramucci’s appointment as White House communications director.

In the interview, the former press secretary had some choice words about the news media, and some clear praise for President Trump.

“I think most people aren’t really privy to how stories are developed and what stories make it to the front page, or to the mainstream media, whether it’s in print or in broadcast. And I think they’d be shocked and disappointed to see some of the bias that exists in some of the stories that don’t get told, or the manner in which they are told,” Mr. Spicer told his host. 

“I was increasingly disappointed in how so many members of the media do their job, or rather, don’t do their job — the bias which they come from it at. I think that there’s become a very clickbait mentality among a lot of reporters, where they’re more interested in their clip or their click than they are about the truth and the facts.”

Mr. Spicer continued, “I don’t want to paint everybody with the same broad brush. But I do think that the majority of folks now in the briefing room, that are going into journalism — they’re not there for the facts and the pursuit of the truth. Rather, they’re trying to figure out, how do I get on TV, how do I become a YouTube star? And that’s disappointing.”

“But there are some good reporters that still spend time getting to know, to learn the facts, to get the story out, and they should be rewarded and praised for their journalism. It’s not about being easy or hard, it’s about being right, in trying to get the facts, and get the story right, and inform the readership or the viewership. And there are some reporters that do that. But by and large, we’re seeing more and more, where it’s about the clip or the click,” Mr. Spicer said.

“I guess after tonight you’re probably going to be one happy guy,” Mr. Hannity suggested to his guest, regarding his resignation.

“Well, it’s been an honor and a privilege to serve the president and this country. I will never be able to thank the president enough for what he has been able to allow me to do. And I had the great opportunity to have some tremendous folks on a team here that worked tirelessly to promote the president’s agenda.I’m leaving it in capable hands with both Anthony and Sarah Sanders, who has been just a tremendous partner,” Mr. Spicer replied.

“Walk us through what happened. And from what I understand, and all the reports are, the President did not want you to go,” Mr. Hannity said.

“He didn’t. He’s been very gracious throughout this process. He wanted to bring some new folks in to help rev up the communications operation, and after reflection, my decision was to recommend to the president that I give Anthony and Sarah a clean slate to start from, so that they can talk about the president’s agenda and help move it forward,” Mr. Spicer replied.

He had a thought on Mr. Trump as well.

“He’s an unbelievably gracious individual,” Mr. Spicer said. “He’s always thinking of others. And I assured him that I would be just fine. He assured me that he would continue to be as supportive as he always has been. And I told him I would stay on for a few weeks to ensure a smooth transition.”

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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