- The Washington Times - Friday, July 21, 2017

Eric Holder just said President Donald Trump has no cause to question the integrity of special counsel Robert Mueller.

Now you know Trump does. A thumbs-up on ethics from Holder is pretty much a red flag for the truly ethical to run.

Holder’s the guy, after all, who led a Justice Department straight into the business of spying on American journalists — among other ethical lapses concerning, say, gun-walking to Mexico and the death of a U.S. border agent, a concerted effort to deny the Islamic terror roots of Ford Hood murderer Nidal Hasan, and oh yes, that whole contempt of Congress thing.

Holder talking ethics is akin to Bill Clinton talking fidelity. Blue dress anyone?

“There is NO basis to question the integrity of Mueller or those serving with him in the special counsel’s office,” Holder said on Twitter. “And no conflicts either.”

Holder’s comments come as Trump has sent a clear warning Mueller’s way, saying that any investigation of Russia that veers into his family’s personal finances — something the left has been drooling to tap for months — is off-base. Specifically, Mueller is said to be looking at financial dealings involving Trump’s businesses and associates. This is all aimed at uncovering the media-fueled mysteries behind Trump’s firing of the FBI’s James Comey — a good buddy of Mueller’s, by the way. They go back, way back — far enough back for WBUR to pen this headline: “The Long History Between Robert Mueller and James Comey,” above a picture of the pair’s smiley-face gazes.

Meanwhile, among the team Mueller’s assembled to dig deep into Trump’s business dealings?

A bunch of Democratic-donating attorneys who’ve contributed tens upon tens of thousands of dollars to the likes of Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s called the whole investigation a “witch hunt,” and the recent revelations of the dig into personal business matters more evidence of a Deep State shake-down.

And calls are growing among some conservative circles for Mueller to step aside and stand down, and take his dark shadow of suspicious conflicts of interest with him.

But Holder says all that’s bunk.

He tweeted: “Trump cannot define or constrain Mueller investigation. If he tries to do so this creates issues of constitutional and criminal dimension.”

Why? Because Holder and his ilk will make sure it does, that’s why.

He also wrote this in a separate tweet — a sort of call-to-arms-slash-motivational-appeal to fellow law enforcers: “To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country.”

What a hoot Holder is — slinging about terms that to most, would seem patriotic, but because they’re coming from his mouth, carry more a tone of threat and intimidation.

His quiet message?

Shut your mouths. Keep your head down. And let the Mueller games go forth unfettered. He didn’t say it, but it sure is implied: Your careers depend on it.

Holder’s watching, and he’s ready and most willing to fight. The anti-Trump sharks are circling.

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