- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Al “Hanging Chad-Man’ Gore, former failed presidential candidate and former — equally as failed, some would say — vice president, has come crawling out of his air conditioned mansion to pick up his climate change manual once again and chide President Donald Trump on national television.

His beef? It’s hot — damn hot. And Trump, it seems, was advised way, way back that he had better do something about this hot heat, but he’s not.

“I went to Trump Tower after the election,” Gore told “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert, Huffington Post noted. “I thought that there was a chance he would come to his senses. But I was wrong.”

The heat’s still here. And there sits Trump. Being “disastrous” as usual, Gore sulked.

Specifically, Gore doesn’t like how Trump’s pulled America out of the Paris accord — the one that would’ve reeled back development and U.S. economies to near caveman days, but the one that leftists like Gore nonetheless see as the solution for everything from world hunger to war to damn hot heat.

Gore cheered the fact that governors and mayors on the liberal side of town were going to bypass White House will as much as possible on climate change regulations and push forward with Paris accord commitments in their localities. But it’s not as good as having the whole country on board with the global pact, he moaned.

So he pleaded for citizen uprising — and for lots and lots of people to go see his upcoming movie, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.” It was originally called “Propaganda to Power,” but Gore’s publicists thought that was too much of a tongue-twister and too long for most roadside movie billboards. An alert editor-type could’ve just as easily recommended putting “truth” in quotation marks, as if to say, “as if.” But alas, the marketing’s in place. Moving on.

“Use your vote,” Gore told Colbert’s audience. “Use your voice. Win the conversations on climate.”

Right-o. Will do. On top of it.

And Gore didn’t explicitly say this, but we all remember it from his past years of climate change activism: Most importantly, don’t let any of the conversations on damn hot heat be steered into talk of summer. That could prove disastrous for the whole climate change cause.

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