- The Washington Times - Monday, July 17, 2017

The Jenner formerly known as Bruce, but name-changed to Caitlyn, is on a mission to change the Republican Party and make its members more sensitive to LGBT issues.

That’s fine and dandy. But sensitive shouldn’t mean lying.

For instance: Appealing to Americans to regard all individuals with dignity and respect is a sensitivity that all should embrace — because in the eyes of God, we’re all equal, we’re all loved, no matter our individual problems, issues, physical handicaps, mental hang-ups and so on.

Demanding Americans call a “he” a “she” is an offense to truth — and one that should never be part and parcel of the LGBT sensitivity training.

Let’s hope Jenner’s advocating for the former, not latter.

Either way, he’s considering a run for a California political seat, with the aim at improving the GOP’s handling of such sensitive matters as transgenderism and gay rights.

“The political side of [things] has always been very intriguing to me,” Jenner told New York AM 970 radio host John Catsimatidis, Breitbart noted. “Over the next six months or so, I have got to find out where I can do a better job. Can I do a better job from the outside? … Or are you better off from the inside? And we are in the process of determining that. Yeah, but I would look for a senatorial run.”

His platform?

To change the party’s image.

“The perception of the Republican Party is that they are all about rich white guys trying to make money,” Jenner said. “I would hope in the next generation … that we can change the perception of the Republican Party and make it the party of equality.”

Far be it to point out that Jenner is indeed a rich white man who’s pretty much put his entire private life on public display for a very, very tidy profit.

But the core message he’s bringing — the idea of Republicans being the party of “equality” — is a valid point. It was Republicans, after all, who pushed through bills like the Civil Rights Act — yet it’s Democrats who get the cheers and nods as the party of racial diversity. Go figure.

Still. Jenner has a right to run for any office he likes. He also has a right to campaign on any general equality issues he sees fitting — as well as on any specific LGBT matters he deems important. What he doesn’t have the right to do, however, is bend truths to his liking. In other words: Go for it, Jenner. Just don’t expect the entire American public to call you a she while you’re doing it.

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