- The Washington Times - Monday, July 17, 2017

Science used to be respected — and then came climate change.

Scientist Bill Nye used to be respected — and then came “my vagina has its own voice.”

That’s a line from one of Nye’s “Saves the World” Netflix segments, which just picked up an Emmy Award nod, as noted by Breitbart. The series itself is billed as a get-together of “experts and famous guests” at Nye’s on-air lab to explore “scientific issues that touch our lives.”

But it’s devolved at times into outright political activism. His “Sexual Spectrum” episode, for example, blared forth the promo: “Sex is complex! Bill explores the ever-evolving science of sexuality with help from a panel of experts and ’Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Star’ Rachel Bloom.” The focus? Legitimizing transgenderism.

Among the imparted bits of wisdom was this rocking line: “Drag king, drag queen. Just do what feels right.”

Evidently, this is what passes for Emmy worthy these days.

First off, despite what Nye’s promotional spots state, sex is really not that complex — not for those who abide by the biblical view anyway. It’s for procreation, established by God as an intimacy between a husband and wife — a male husband and a female wife, by the way. Only when atheists and far-left anti-traditional family types get involved does sex become complex and complicated, devoid of boundaries and therefore, meaning — which then, of course, sets the stage for endless liberal-minded and fuzzy discussions to uncover the true meaning of sex.

Enter Nye. And enter the second point: Do we really need our children to be treated to such blatant and despicable atheistic, leftist propaganda?

Nye’s made a career off catering to the youth crowd. Apparently, the mysteries of the moon landing, the wonders beneath the sea, the vastness of the solar system — these aren’t enough. Nye’s instead got to go after the LGBT education of our youth. And for that, he’s back-patted with an Emmy nomination.

It’s not just a slap in the face of traditional family advocates, and to the children who must suffer from cluttered teachings about sex and biology. It’s a slap to real science — respectable science — the kind of science that sent man into space, submarines throughout the ocean and the World Wide Web to the world. We need real scientists with real vision to champion the human cause and carry us to new and mighty heights. We don’t need slick scientific salesmen selling sex ed to kids as a solution to so-called complex issues, all as a means of imposing a personal political agenda.

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