- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 13, 2017

Reps. Brad Sherman of California and Al Green of Texas have brought forward a formal article of impeachment against President Donald Trump for “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

It goes without saying these two congressmen are Democrats.

It does not go without laughing, however. Years and years and years ago, there was this show about animal research and the scientist had placed a soccer ball or something in the middle of a ring of monkeys. Every few seconds, a monkey would reach a hesitant hand toward the ball, only to be slapped away by the researcher. This went on — and on and on and on. Monkey reach, monkey slapped, monkey retreat — monkey reach again. The point was to show just how limited in brain development the monkeys really were, because their instincts to touch overcame their instincts to listen to their pain. It really did become comical after a while.

That’s how the Democrats are on impeachment. They just can’t help themselves.

After months and months and months of listening to the left call for Trump’s ouster from office — a call that laughingly began before Trump even took over the White House — the mantra has become monkeyish.

Now come Sherman and Green with the paperwork.

Sorry, fellas. Even CNN’s against you on this one.

“For starters,” wrote CNN’s digital director of politics, Z. Byron Wolf, there’s no indication that Trump is anywhere near to being impeached.”

Well, yeah. There is that. Typically — and this is just an opinion, from someone who’s not an attorney — there must be a crime committed before the charges are affixed.

The order of operation goes like this: Crime. Charge. Conviction — or acquittal. Sadly, the order for Democrats on Trump has been this — Charge. Move to convict. Now go find the crime.

And thanks to a very, very complicit and biased media, Democrats have been able to move forward with frightening speed on this order. But now they’ve lost a key asset — CNN. You know it’s bad for your leftist side when CNN reports in favor of a Republican.

The article of impeachment accuses Trump of interfering with the FBI’s investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and alleges the president “sought to use his authority to hinder and cause the termination of such investigations.”

Well, once again, good luck with that fellas. The House, controlled by Republicans, isn’t likely to pass the article. Democratic leaders, looking ahead to 2018 elections and realizing the crazy Rep. Maxine Waters has brought with her Tourette Syndrome-like call for impeachment, have distanced themselves from such talk — at least in earshot of the media. And the American people, even those who wouldn’t consider themselves in the Trump camp, aren’t at all ready for a Bill Clinton Redeux — that is, impeachment.

Green is simply partisan.

Back in May, he made it clear from the House floor: “This is where I stand. I will not be moved. The president must be impeached.”

He said it — that was his plan all along. Impeach Trump, facts, evidence and truth be danged. On one hand, it’s refreshing to see a politician actually honor a promise. On the other, going down in political history as one of the monkeys who couldn’t stop touching the soccer ball, despite the constant slap-down and sting, is not really all that commendable after all. Here’s a bit of advice for Democrats pursuing impeachment: Wait for the crime. The wheels of justice generally turn better that way.

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