- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 13, 2017

Thomas Homan, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, told a Fox News audience that President Donald Trump has removed the shackles from his agency.

Wakey, wakey, illegals. The Trump Train is rolling.

“[Trump] basically told [us] you can now do your job — you will enforce laws on your books,” Homan told Neil Cavuto. “There’s no population of alien that’s off the table anymore and we’ve been waiting on that for a decade now.”

What a refreshing twist to the whole open-border mantra Barack Obama spoon-fed the American people for eight years.

Some estimates put the number of illegals currently living in the United States around 12 million. But deportations are on the way.

Homan guessed as many as 400,000 could be escorted back across the border before the end of 2017.

Once again, the act of entering the United States without legal permission is being treated as a crime in and of itself. And it’s a take-no-prisoners attitude that’s coming from this administration — unlike the last, where the amnesty designs of the Obama White House sent ripples even south of Mexico’s borders. Remember win 2014 when headlines from newspapers in El Salvador and Honduras spoke of America’s “Dreamer” policies in glowing light — in enticing light to those who might have in mind an idea to cross to America?

Well, those days are gone.

Now, the atmosphere is this: Those entering the United States illegally are criminals, and the law will be enforced “without apology,” Homan said.

What a concept, treating lawbreakers as, well, lawbreakers. Illegals, take note — and run.

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