- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Here we go again — another headline, another story about an illegal immigrant involved in a horrific incident that left an innocent American citizen dead.

This time, it’s a man from Mexico named Nemias Garcia-Velasco, 32, who’d been previously deported — seven times, no less. But just a few days ago, Garcia-Velasco was arrested for the death of a passenger in his van after he sped down an Omaha, Nebraska, highway and crashed. Garcia-Velasco slammed into a guard rail and his vehicle rolled and caught fire. He had no driver’s license; his blood alcohol level tested at .243, three times the legal limit.

And because of his actions, Silvano Torres, 58, was killed.

While Garcia-Velasco wasn’t supposed to be in the United States, Torres reportedly was. His girlfriend told the local newspaper that Torres, the father of two, possessed documents showing his legal right to be in-country.

But Garcia-Velasco?

Prosecutors at his court hearing said he had been deported in 2009 and 2011 and then “voluntarily returned” to Mexico five times in 2005. That same year, he was also convicted of making a false claim of U.S. citizenship, the Omaha World-Herald reported.

Leftists may try and convolute the story with expressions of compassion, and calls for border reform. But that message doesn’t apply here. The simple and clear truth is this: Had Garcia-Velasco not been illegally in America, Torres would very likely still be alive.

This is the logic that leftists — that open border activists and amnesty supporters — refuse to admit.

Whenever an illegal commits a crime in America, injures another individual, kills an innocent citizen, the sane among the citizenry feel outrage and frustration, anger and bitterness. Why? Because crime, almost always senseless, takes on epic proportions of nonsensical when illegals are involved. The bare-bones truth is that they shouldn’t be here in the first place, never mind committing crimes or killing people.

And bolting back and forth across the border never looks good. It’s pretty sketchy, in fact.

“If this is someone who bonds out, I don’t think we’ll see Mr. Garcia-Velasco again,” said Ryan Lindberg. the prosecutor who requested a $2 million bail for the suspect, out of concerns he might flee.

Quite right. Garcia-Velasco’s history shows he would indeed run — right across the border, then in time, no doubt right back again to America.

This is a man who’s a menace — a man who never should have been let back into the country a second time, never mind a third, fourth, fifth and so on. Let’s hope seven times proves a charm, and Garcia-Velasco is locked away for 20 years on DUI and vehicular homicide — and then deported as an elderly man, too tired and broken to ever make the trip back across the border to America.

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