- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 11, 2017

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough just can’t quit with the low-brow attacks on President Donald Trump and the first family.

He’s obsessed, that’s what he is.

“How stupid of Don Jr.,” Scarborough said on national TV, while discussing the latest media-fueled drive to tie Trump to Russian interference with U.S. elections.

The newest story twist is that Trump Jr. tried to solicit information about Hillary Clinton from the Russian government — information that was then to be used to damage Clinton’s credibility with voters. As if Clinton couldn’t do that herself, right?

Anyhow, it’s the New York Times, once again, that’s bringing up the collusion angle, suggesting Trump Jr. met with Kremlin-tied attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya in June 2016 with some nefarious, dastardly intent to dig up dirt on Clinton. As if digging up dirt on political opponents wasn’t a lucrative career — a common practice.

That Veselnitskaya insists she never had any “damaging or sensitive information about Hillary” and that “it was never my intention” to zing her political career is besides the point.

The Trump family, and now, Trump Jr., specifically, are guilty of a “culture of dishonesty,” the New York Times editorial board wrote in a Tuesday piece. And that’s that.

So Scarborough, Trump Hater Extraordinaire, has a new angle of attack — and it’s one that’s focused on the fact that Trump Jr. wants to defend himself. Imagine that.

“How stupid of Don Jr.,” Scarborough said, after reading through Trump Jr.’s latest tweets, Mediaite reported. “I mean, I guess it runs in the family, to go on Twitter when he is clearly in legal jeopardy. This time yesterday morning everyone knew he was clearly in legal jeopardy. He goes up on Twitter again yesterday only to be undercut by the New York Times last night because inside his own White House, inside his own administration [they] are leaking on him.”

Could Scarborough foam any more at the mouth?

For context, here are a couple headlines about this latest New York Times-driven Trump fiasco.

From the New York Post: “The [New York] Times ’expose’ on Donald Trump Jr. is a big yawn.”

From the Daily Caller: “Everybody is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did the Same Thing as Don Jr.”

Yet from Scarborough: Toss him in jail. Guilty as perceived. String him up, hang him, drag the body through the streets as an example to all the other Trump family members.

As evidence? Why, the New York Times reported it.

So in Scarborough’s mind, and the minds of similar leftists and anti-Trumpers, that’s as good as true. Sadly, the press has proven to be little more than attack dogs for the Democrats in recent times.

Scarborough’s latest rant focuses on the fact that a man would take to Twitter to defend himself — instead of what, throwing himself on the mercy of the mainstream, hate-filled media? — only underscores how petty, how vicious and how very anti-Trump the whole field of news has become.

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