By Associated Press - Sunday, January 29, 2017

LONDON (AP) - In stories Jan. 29 and 30 about the latest on U.S. President Donald Trump’s ban on travel to the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries, The Associated Press misspelled the last name of Georgetown’s president. He is President John J. deGioia, not Gioia.

A corrected version of the story is below:

LONDON (AP) - The Latest on President Donald Trump, his travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries and other immigration actions (all times local):

6:42 a.m.

Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr expressed dismay over President Donald Trump’s executive order that bans citizens of seven majority Muslim countries from entering the United States.

Kerr spoke about the administration’s travel ban following a 113-111 victory over the Portland Trail Blazers on Sunday night, calling it a “horrible idea.”

“As someone whose family member was a victim of terrorism, having lost my father, if we’re trying to combat terrorism by banishing people from coming to this country, by really going against the principals of what our country’s about and creating fear, it’s the wrong way to go about it,” Kerr said. “If anything, we could be breeding anger and terror.

“I think it’s shocking. I think it’s a horrible idea. I feel for all the people who are affected. Families are being torn apart and I worry in the big picture what this means to the security of the world.”

Malcolm Kerr was murdered while he was the American University president in Beirut when Steve Kerr was 18 and a freshman at the University of Arizona.


3:57 a.m.

The president of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., says in a letter to students, faculty and staff that Trump’s executive order troubles him.

“The implications of this order are significant and concerning. We are an institution that values the contributions of our international students, staff, and faculty, and we are deeply committed to interreligious dialogue and providing a context in which members of all faith backgrounds are welcomed and encouraged to practice their faith,” President John J. DeGioia wrote.

He also said “members of our community from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen legally residing in the United States avoid travel outside the U.S. during this period and consult an immigration attorney if travel is required.”


3:48 a.m.

The widow of Pat Tillman has expressed disappointment over President Donald Trump after the administration imposed a temporary ban on travel to the United States from seven majority Muslim countries.

Marie Tillman posted a message on Facebook saying she was saddened by the executive order, adding that this was “not the country he dreamed of, not what he served for and not what he died for.”

Tillman left a multimillion NFL contract with the Arizona Cardinals at 25 to join the Army, eight months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan in 2004.

Marie Tillman has carried on his name and spirit through the Pat Tillman Foundation, which provides scholarships to military personnel and their families.


3:42 a.m.

More than 600 people, including lawmakers and best-selling author John Green, have gathered at Indianapolis International Airport to protest President Donald Trump’s immigration restrictions.

The Indianapolis Star reports ( that what began as a small group grew to hundreds Sunday, as the Indianapolis Airport Authority roped off areas and increased security for protesters. Officials declined comment.

Cheryl Faux, one the Indianapolis event’s organizers, says the protest “gives a message to the Muslim community that we stand behind them.”

The demonstration was one of many at airports around the country since Trump signed an executive order banning travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries.


3:12 a.m.

Vice President Mike Pence is set to meet with Jordan’s King Abdullah II as protests continue over the Trump administration’s new immigration order.

The vice president will host the king for a breakfast meeting Monday at his Naval Observatory residence in Washington.

The king is not scheduled to meet with President Donald Trump.

Pro-Western Jordan isn’t among the countries affected by Trump’s immigration order temporarily barring entry to citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries.

But Jordan views refugee resettlement to the U.S. and other countries as a way of easing its own burden.

Jordan hosts more than 650,000 displaced Syrians. Trump’s order temporary halts the U.S. refugee program and bars Syrian refugees indefinitely.


2:45 a.m.

A 70-year-old Iranian widow with an immigrant visa has been released after being detained for more than 30 hours at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

Shahin Hassanpour’s son said she was told Sunday morning that she would be permitted entry but the paperwork took hours.

Bahzad Honarjou, a 43-year-old network engineer, expressed gratitude to the hundreds of strangers who held vigil with him at the airport.

He said: “I am proud of the people here, the protesters, the supporters, the attorneys that worked as volunteers, all the people.”


2:30 a.m.

Starbucks says it will hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years, a response to President Donald Trump’s indefinite suspension of Syrian refugees and temporary travel bans that apply to six other Muslim-majority nations.

Howard Schultz, the coffee retailer’s chairman and CEO, said in a letter to employees Sunday that the hiring would apply to stores worldwide and the effort would start in the United States where the focus would be on hiring immigrants “who have served with U.S. troops as interpreters and support personnel.”

Schultz, a supporter of Hillary Clinton during the presidential run, took aim at other parts of a Trump agenda focused on immigration, repealing former President Barack Obama’s health care law and restructuring trade with Mexico.


2:20 a.m.

Holding signs that read “Proud to be an Immigrant” or “Refugees are not terrorists,” thousands of people have gathered in downtown Seattle to protest President Donald Trump’s executive order barring people from seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the country.

The protesters gathered Sunday evening at Westlake Park in the middle of the city’s downtown shopping district. Some held signs that read “Proud to be an Immigrant” or “Refugees are not terrorists.”

Democratic Sen. Patty Murray appeared at a brief news conference earlier at Seattle-Tacoma Airport and said two people who had been detained there overnight had since been released.

Washington’s senior senator said Trump’s executive order blocking the travelers from entering the U.S. was “un-American” and protesters who turned out to protest at airports across the United States “reacted correctly.”

On Saturday night, about 3,000 protesters went to Seattle-Tacoma Airport to rally against Trump. Officials say about 30 were arrested after that hours-long demonstration.


11:30 p.m.

Thousands of people chanting “Trump Out, Refugees In!” have descended for a second day on the San Francisco International Airport to protest President Donald Trump’s ban of travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries.

Accompanied by a brass band several drummers, the crowd divided Sunday into three large groups that stood at passenger exits in the arrival area of the international terminal.

The groups also took to Twitter to simultaneously demand the Department of Homeland Security allow lawyers inside to talk to those being detained.

A group of lawyers working on computers huddled in a corner under signs in English, Farsi and Arabic that read “Family Members Detained? Legal Help Here.”

Immigration attorney Marcine Seid says at least 100 lawyers have signed up to offer their services pro-bono to those being detained. At least a dozen more lawyers and law students waited to add their names to a list.

Seid says it is unclear how many people have been detained in San Francisco but at least four families have approached them for help.

Rebecca Nassarre, 69, drove from Antioch to join the protesters. The retired social worker says: “This is not the America I know. I’m frightened for our future. I have never seen our country go through this.”


11:15 p.m.

Vahideh Rasekhi (vuh-HE’-duh ruh-sek-KEE) is an Iranian doctoral student at New York’s Stony Brook University, where she is president of the graduate student organization.

She was freed from detention on Sunday, a day after she landed at John F. Kennedy Airport following a visit to see her family in Tehran.

Border agents on Saturday initially refused to let her enter the country and she declined to sign paperwork agreeing to voluntarily return to Iran. Rasekhi’s attorney says that even though a New York judge had issued an emergency stay temporarily barring the U.S. from deporting people subject to the ban, agents put her client on a plane that was supposed to fly to Ukraine.

At one point that jet pulled back from the gate to depart. But it ultimately returned amid protests by attorneys and let her off as confusion swirled about legal challenges to the deportations.

Rasekhi was held for additional hours, sometimes in handcuffs. She was finally set free at around 2:30 p.m. Sunday.

After meeting with friends at the terminal, she told The Associated Press: “I feel happy to be out. It is truly great.”


10:55 p.m.

Canada’s immigration minister says the country will offer temporary residency permits to travelers who become stranded here by President Donald Trump’s order banning travelers from seven Muslim-majority nations.

Ahmed Hussen is a Somali refugee who was recently named Canada’s new immigration minister. He said Sunday no one is currently stranded at the country’s airports by the ban.

He also says White House officials offered assurances that permanent Canadian residents can enter the U.S. provided they have a valid Canadian permanent resident card and a passport from one of the seven countries affected. Permanent residents are the equivalent of green card holders in the United States.

Dual citizens with a Canadian passport can still enter the U.S.

Daniel Jean, Canada’s national security adviser, says he doesn’t’ believe the ban makes the world safer.


10:50 p.m.

Several hundred demonstrators used the beginning of Super Bowl week to chant and display signs in protest of President Trump’s travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority nations, and other issues.

They gathered Sunday outside the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, where the NFL’s media headquarters and NFL Experience for Super Bowl fans are located.

A Houston police officer who asked that his name not be used because he was not authorized to speak to the press said the protesters were there for more than four hours, demonstrating peacefully behind barriers.

One sign made reference to Anne Frank dying in a concentration camp because she was denied refuge in the U.S. during World War II. Others simply said “Ban Trump” or “Stop Trump.”

The protesters then later headed elsewhere in downtown Houston.

- Reported by Barry Wilner in Houston.


10:45 p.m.

The White House says King Salman of Saudi Arabia has agreed to support safe zones in Syria and Yemen to help displaced refugees.

Trump spoke with Salman by phone on Sunday.

The White House says the President “requested and the King agreed” to support the safe zones “as well as supporting other ideas to help the many refugees who are displaced by the ongoing conflicts.”

The conversation comes days after Trump signed an order that temporarily suspends the U.S. refugee program and indefinitely bars Syrian refugees.

The pair also discussed what the White House described as an invitation from Salman for Trump to lead “a Middle East effort to defeat terrorism” and help build “a new future, economically and socially, for the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the region.”


9:55 p.m.

President Donald Trump is defending his sweeping order on immigration and says he will find other ways to help those suffering from Syria’s bloody civil war.

Trump says in a statement Sunday amid widespread protests that “America is a proud nation of immigrants.” He says the country “will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression,” but “while protecting our own citizens and border.”

Trump’s order halting the Syrian refugee program and temporarily suspending immigration from seven majority Muslim countries has sparked protests across the country.

Trump insists it’s “not a Muslim ban” and blames the media for that suggestion.

Trump says the U.S. will resume issuing visas to all countries impacted after a review of security policies.


9:40 p.m.

Thousands of protesters have gathered in Boston to call for an end to President Donald Trump’s order banning travelers from seven Muslim-majority nations.

Demonstrators filled Copley Square in Boston on Sunday afternoon to protest Trump’s order and his pledge to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

Protesters carried signs supporting Muslims and other immigrants. One sign held by a young child said: “Don’t Ban My Grandma and Grandpa.”

Another protester took direct aim at Trump with a sign that read: “Your comb-over doesn’t cover your xenophobia.”

Attendees included U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Boston Mayor Martin Walsh.


9:15 p.m.

Omar Al Tammeemi says he’s worried he may not be able to see his wife and young son who are in Iraq following President Donald Trump’s immigration order.

Al Tammeemi is among more than 100 protesters gathered at the international arrivals terminal at Dulles International Airport outside Washington.

He says he worked as a translator for the U.S. military in Iraq from 2008 to 2013 and came to the U.S. afterward on a special refugee visa. He says his wife, who holds a green card, and their young son, a U.S. citizen, are in Iraq visiting her sick mother.

Al Tammeemi says his wife is “scared to come.”

Four Democratic members of Congress who attended the demonstration said they were turned away by Customs and Border Patrol officers at the scene when they sought a meeting about whether people were being held unlawfully.


9 p.m.

Syrian refugee Mafedih Alholoqi says his relatives were turned away from a planned flight from Jordan to Louisville, Kentucky, following President Donald Trump’s order on immigration.

The Courier-Journal reports that Alholoqi was among several dozen protesters who gathered at Louisville International Airport. They chanted “no hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here,” in opposition to Trump’s order.

Through a translator, Alholoqi said Trump’s order “broke their hearts” after relatives went through more than two years of background checks, interviews and the anticipation of starting a new life.

Trump’s order includes a temporary travel ban for people from seven Muslim nations and a temporary ban on refugees entering the United States.


8:55 p.m.

Officials say nine people are being released after they were detained overnight at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport in the wake of President Donald Trump’s travel ban barring citizens of seven predominantly Muslim nations from entry into the U.S.

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings’ office said Sunday that all nine were in the process of being released. U.S. Customs and Border Protection also notified airport officials of the release.

Texas representatives for the Council on American-Islamic Relations say the majority of those detained are Iranian.

Airport officials say upward of 800 people gathered at the airport Sunday to protest the detention. It was the second day of protests at the airport following Trump’s executive order Friday.

Other protests were held elsewhere in Texas, including particularly large gatherings in Houston and at the Austin airport.


8:35 p.m.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says six people barred from entering the U.S. because of President Donald Trump’s travel ban remained in detention at Kennedy Airport on Sunday afternoon.

Immigration lawyers worked through the day to try and gain the release of several people being held at the airport, with some success.

ACLU attorney Andre Segura said at least seven detainees were released Saturday morning, with more people expected to be freed in the afternoon.

Some people who were initially told they would be deported were allowed to enter the U.S.

They included a 21-year-old woman with dual Iraqi and Jordanian citizenship who had come to the U.S. to be with her fiance and a 67-year-old woman with Yemeni citizenship who had come to live with her son because she was very ill.


8:20 p.m.

Protesters shouting “Ban Trump” have descended on Miami International Airport to show their opposition to President Donald Trump’s travel ban.

Protester Rowan Vaquez said the ban “hit me really deeply” because her family emigrated from Venezuela to avoid political persecution.

Juan Gonzalez attended the demonstration to show Trump that “we’re not going to accept the terrible things he’s doing.” Gonzalez is from Puerto Rico and works in Miami.

Trump’s order placed a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. by citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen and a 120-day suspension of the U.S. refugee program. Syrians are indefinitely blocked from entry.

Other protests were scheduled for Orlando, Tallahassee, Tampa and West Palm Beach.


8:15 p.m.

Hundreds of demonstrators have gathered outside the White House to protest President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations.

Holding signs with slogans such as “No Ban, No Wall,” and “We are all immigrants in America,” the diverse crowd chanted and cheered in support of Muslims and other refugees.

Vocal and expressive, the crowd was alternately solemn and warm in expressing peaceful solidarity with refugees affected by Trump’s order.

Maryam Kanna is a 24-year-old Iraqi-American who lives in Arlington, Virginia. She calls the executive order “totally alienating.” Kanna says she worries about her uncle, a British citizen, and her cousins in Canada, who may no longer be able to enter the U.S.

Protests were also reported in St. Louis, Minneapolis; Cleveland; Columbus, Ohio; and Portland, Maine.


8:10 p.m.

Protesters are streaming into New York City’s Battery Park to demand an end to President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven Muslim nations.

The big crowd gathered Sunday near the ferries that carry tourists to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, the place where 12 million people entered the United States in the 20th century.

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer addressed the crowd, saying, “We are gonna win this fight everybody!”

People held signs with slogans including “America was built by refugees,” and “Muslim ban is un-American.”

The rally followed a night of big demonstrations at New York’s Kennedy Airport, where thousands of people spontaneously gathered to demand the release of detained travelers.


8:05 p.m.

A Republican congressman from Utah says he doesn’t understand why the Trump administration is targeting legal permanent residents with his new policy to block immigration from several Muslim-majority countries.

Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah said Sunday it would be “wrong” if Trump is targeting people based on their religion.

He said that enhanced vetting is needed for people traveling to the United States from “certain countries,” but that legal permanent residents are in “a different category.”

Chaffetz said, “I don’t understand what they’re trying to do in those categories. People that have a green card supposedly already have been vetted. So there needs to be some further clarification.”

The congressman addressed reporters in Palm Springs, California during a meeting of the Koch political network.


7:55 p.m.

More than 100 protesters and dozens of immigration attorneys have gathered at the international arrivals terminal at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, cheering people arriving from Muslim countries. The crowd chanted “No ban, no wall” and other slogans, and at one point sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Syed Moktadir is a 45-year-old management consultant from Sterling, Virginia. He says Trump’s order banning entry to the United States from seven Muslim countries has sparked fear in Muslims in the United States and abroad.

Moktadir, a Muslim who immigrated from Bangladesh, said his 84-year-old father, is currently in Bangladesh. Though his father is a U.S. citizen, he says he’s concerned about whether his father will be able to return.

Moktadir says Trump’s order is “internationally giving us a very bad name.”


7:45 p.m.

Authorities say six people were arrested at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, where people gathered to protest President Donald Trump’s executive order regarding citizens of seven Muslim nations.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said in a news release that the six were arrested Saturday night. They say about 50 protesters formed two groups with the first group protesting Trump’s immigration order, followed by a second group that protested community-related issues.

Police said the protesters were asked to leave because of public safety concerns, and six people refused. They were arrested and now face charges that include trespassing and resist, obstruct and delay.

Trump’s executive order barred citizens of seven Muslim nations from entering the United States.


7:40 p.m.

The attorneys general of 15 states and the District of Columbia are issuing a joint statement condemning as unconstitutional President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations.

The attorneys general say that religious liberty has been a bedrock principle of the country and no president can change that truth.

The states taking part in the joint statement issued Sunday are Washington, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Virginia, Oregon, Connecticut, Vermont, Illinois, New Mexico, Iowa, Maine and Maryland.

The attorneys general say they expect Trump’s executive order to be struck down, but in the meantime they’ll work to make sure as few as possible suffer as a result of the order.


7:30 p.m.

The conservative Koch political network is condemning President Donald Trump’s plan to crack down on immigration from Muslim-majority countries.

Network co-chairman Brian Hooks said in a statement released Sunday, “The travel ban is the wrong approach and will likely be counterproductive.” He added, “We believe it is possible to keep Americans safe without excluding people who wish to come here to contribute and pursue a better life for their families.”

Hooks made the comments as billionaire industrialist Charles Koch and hundreds of his network’s major donors gather for a semi-annual conference in Palm Springs, California.

The Koch network is among the most influential players in the conservative movement and has strong ties in the Trump administration, particularly with Vice President Mike Pence.


7:20 p.m.

Demonstrators have gathered again at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport to protest President Donald Trump’s executive order barring citizens of seven predominantly Muslim nations from entry into the U.S.

An estimated 200 people held signs and chanted “Let them go!” as they awaited word Sunday on what state representatives for the Council on American-Islamic Relations say are nine people detained at the airport. The council says the majority are Iranian.

Other protests are planned for other parts of Texas over Trump’s executive order, including in Houston and at the airport in Austin.

Protesters also are rallying Sunday at Miami International Airport and elsewhere around the country.


7:00 p.m.

Lawyers with the American Civil Liberties Union say they are still trying to determine how many people are detained in the U.S. as a result of President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations.

ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project deputy director Lee Gelernt told reporters in a conference call Sunday that there is still a state of confusion over the status of detainees and the rules for entering the country.

He said lawyers are waiting for the government to give them a list of names of people who have been detained.

Until then, he said, “we just simply don’t know how many people there are and where they are.”

Other advocates say that immigration lawyers have had trouble getting to see people who have been detained, with officials refusing to grant access despite court orders in some jurisdictions that they do so.


6: 45 p.m.

An Oscar-nominated Iranian director says he will not attend this year’s Academy Awards because of a travel ban imposed by President Donald Trump.

Asghar Farhadi is an acclaimed director whose film “The Salesman” was nominated for best foreign film. He said Sunday that the uncertainty surrounding his ability to travel to the United States was “in no way acceptable,” and that he would not attend the ceremony even if an exception to the ban were possible.

An executive order issued last week temporarily bans the entry of citizens from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Yemen. The Trump administration says it is necessary to keep out potential terrorists.

Farhadi became the first Iranian to win an Oscar when his film “A Separation” was awarded best foreign film in 2012.


6:20 p.m.

A Syrian musician who recently toured with renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma says he is waiting to see whether he will be allowed to return to his New York home after President Donald Trump imposed a travel ban on seven Muslim-majority nations.

Kinan Azmeh, a clarinet player who lives in Brooklyn, said Sunday he does not have a “plan B” if he is not allowed back into the United States later this week.

Azmeh is in Lebanon to perform with a local orchestra after rehearsing and performing with Yo-Yo Ma in China and Denmark earlier this month.

The 40-year-old musician is one of thousands of green card holders who found their immigration status in limbo after Trump’s order Friday.

Azmeh was born in Damascus and moved to the U.S. 16 years ago.


6:15 p.m.

Iranian-born Swedish actress Bahar Pars, who hopes to share an Oscar for best foreign film, fears the ban will affect any possible plans to fly to the United States.

The 37-year-old Pars, who came to Sweden as a child, plays the female lead in the Swedish Oscar-nominated film “A Man Called Ove.”

She told Swedish national news agency TT that “it’s not at all certain that I’m going to get in.”

Describing Trump’s executive order as racist, she told TT it took her two months to get her visa to the U.S. approved after applying using her Iranian passport.

She said she was “very upset” by this, but added that it would also be good to go there and say to the whole world this is wrong.


4:35 p.m.

Four-time Olympic champion Mo Farah says U.S. President Donald Trump’s immigration policy “seems to have made me an alien” and fears he may not be able to return to his U.S. home.

Farah is a British citizen who was born in Somalia, one of seven predominantly Muslim nations subject to the executive order signed by Trump that temporarily bans entry to the United States.

Farah currently is training in Ethiopia. His family is based in Portland, Oregon.

The 33-year-old says on his Facebook page that “it’s deeply troubling” he will have to tell his children that he might not be able to come home.

Farah’s agent told The Associated Press that they were trying to clarify the situation with U.S. authorities.


3:50 p.m.

The White House chief of staff says President Donald Trump acted early on in his term to impose a travel ban on refugees to block “people who want to do bad things to America.”

Reince Priebus (ryns PREE’-bus) says there’s nothing to apologize for after Friday’s executive order drew widespread protests. A court order has temporarily barred the U.S. from deporting certain people.

Trump is temporarily barring refugees and citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S.

Priebus tells NBC’s “Meet the Press” that the action “doesn’t affect green card holders moving forward” - the subject of legal challenges.

Scores were detained Saturday upon arrival at U.S. airports, spurring the judge’s order.

Priebus says officials were using “discretionary authority” to ask “a few more questions” at U.S. airports.


3:35 p.m.

A petition set up on a British government website calling for U.S. President Donald Trump to be barred from visiting the country has attracted hundreds of thousands of signatures, qualifying it for a parliamentary debate.

Trump has drawn widespread condemnation in Britain for his ban on refugees and people from selected Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.

Prime Minister Theresa May invited him to make a state visit to Britain this year during her trip to Washington last week.

The petition on the British parliament’s website is titled: “Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom.” It says his “well documented misogyny and vulgarity disqualifies him from being received” by either Queen Elizabeth or Prince Charles.

The website says parliament considers all petitions that get more than 100,000 signatures for debate.


3:05 p.m.

A top adviser to President Donald Trump says a federal judge’s emergency order “really doesn’t affect” his efforts to temporarily bar refugees and citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S.

Kellyanne Conway says on “Fox News Sunday” that a federal judge’s late Saturday emergency order temporarily barring the U.S. from deporting people from nations subject to Trump’s travel ban “really doesn’t affect the executive order at all.”

Conway says Trump’s order is about “preventing, not detaining” and says that only a very small percentage of travers have been impacted.

Conway says that it’s a “small price to pay” to keep the American public safe.


2:45 p.m.

Etihad Airways, the United Arab Emirates’ national airline, says a number of its passengers have been affected by the new U.S. immigration policies and it is working closely with American officials on the matter.

The Abu Dhabi-based carrier said Sunday it is offering affected passengers refunds or flight changes where possible. It did not say how many passengers were affected.

Etihad passengers flying to the U.S. are screened and have their passports stamped by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents stationed in the Emirati capital rather than on arrival. Etihad says it is working with officials there and in the U.S. to address the new immigration policies.

The airline says: “Our joint interest is on ensuring that compliance and the well-being of all passengers is maintained across our global network.”


2:25 p.m.

President Donald Trump’s immigration order is getting pushback in Congress.

Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio says “I think we should slow down” and that lawmakers “ought to be part” of the discussions about how best to tighten screening for foreigners who enter the United States.

Portman tells CNN’s “State of the Union” that he doesn’t think Trump executive action was properly reviewed before he signed it Friday.

Portman is urging everyone “to take a deep breath and come up with something that makes sense for our national security” and reflects the fact that “America’s always been a welcoming home for refugees and immigrants.”

He says America is “this beacon of hope and opportunity for the rest of the world” and should remain that way.

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