By Associated Press - Friday, January 20, 2017

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The Latest on rallies and protests in the Northwest following the inauguration of President Donald Trump (all times local):

10:30 p.m.

Police say officers arrested a total of six people during Portland protests against President Donald Trump.

Portland police said in a news release that five arrests were made Friday during protest events downtown while one was made earlier in the day in connection with a November protest-turned-riot.

Police say the others were arrested for second-degree disorderly conduct.

Those arrested include: Nicholas Johnson, 21, Rosemary Tustin, 30, Craig Hasty, 45, Travis Martin, 18 and Matthew McGaugh, 41.

McGaugh was also booked on a charge of harassment, police said.


9:35 p.m.

Hospital officials say a man shot during a Seattle demonstration against far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH’-poh-lihs) is in critical condition.

Harborview Medical Center spokeswoman Susan Gregg says the man, believed to be in his early 20s, arrived at the hospital at 9 p.m. and that he was in surgery.

People marching against President Donald Trump had joined the Yiannopoulos demonstration at the University of Washington just prior to the shooting.

Yiannopoulos writes for right-wing Breitbart News and is known for leading a harassment campaign that resulted in a lifetime ban from Twitter.

The Seattle Times was reporting that police inside the event as the talk ended were keeping the audience in the room, saying “It’s a very volatile situation right now.” The newspaper said Yiannopoulos was whisked offstage.


9:25 p.m.

Police in Portland used incendiary devices and tear gas to disperse a crowd of people protesting President Donald Trump.

Authorities said some people in the crowd - that at one point numbered in the thousands - threw rocks, bottles, flares and “unknown liquid” at officers Friday night. The city’s entertainment district was closed following the rowdy gathering.

By about 9:25 p.m. the crowd dwindled to about few dozen around the city’s Pioneer Courthouse Square. Earlier Friday a small group of protesters burned American flags at Pioneer Courthouse Square.


8:35 p.m.

Seattle Police said on Twitter that officers were working to remove one person with a suspected gunshot wound to the abdomen at a University of Washington demonstration against a far-right commentator.

People in Seattle marching in protest against President Donald Trump had just walked to the Seattle campus where the protest against Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH’-poh-lihs) was taking place Friday evening.

Yiannopoulos is known for leading a hate campaign that resulted in a lifetime ban from Twitter.

No further information was given immediately about who was shot or who fired a weapon.


8:15 p.m.

Police say officers have arrested a man in Portland at a protest against President Trump who was wanted in connection with a Portland protest that turned into a riot in November.

Portland police said in a news release that 18-year-old Billy Ellison was arrested Friday evening at Pioneer Courthouse Square after tips from the public helped police identify him.

Police say Ellison had a torch, knife and gas mask with extra filters when officers arrested him.

He was booked into jail on two counts of Interfering with public transportation.

Police were telling people Friday night that the protest had become unlawful after some were seen armed with clubs and sticks and were throwing unknown liquid at officers.

Police said protesters needed to disperse and that they would be using “crowd control agents.”


6:30 p.m.

Hundreds of people protesting President Donald Trump and marching for an immigrant and refugee rights at separate Seattle rallies joined together downtown at Westlake Park.

People rallied and listened to speeches before resuming a march Friday evening, blocking traffic in some downtown areas.

Seattle police said on Twitter that officers at the park had confiscated wood poles, heavy pipes and hammers.

Police also said officers were investigating reports of people in crowd with fireworks and rocks.


6:10 p.m.

Protesters against President Donald Trump have taken to the streets in downtown Portland.

Hundreds of protesters marched through the streets in the rain Friday evening as police worked to keep them off area bridges.

Portland police tweeted that police have deployed pepper spray but no tear gas.

Police also said on Twitter that some protesters were throwing ice balls and eggs at officers.


3:20 p.m.

A small group of protesters burned American flags on a main square in downtown Portland to protest President Donald Trump.

The protesters at first had trouble getting flags to burn Friday afternoon because of the rain. Using lighter fluid, they burned at least half a dozen flags.

Hundreds of other protesters had also gathered on the square. Many were getting ready for a march that was expected to attract thousands. Also on the square were a couple of men sitting in cross-legged position. They had a sign reading “group meditation can save the world.”


3:01 p.m.

Mayor Ed Murray says President Donald Trump “does not share Seattle’s values.”

In a statement Friday, the day Trump was inaugurated as the nation’s 45th president, Murray said Trump had made immigrants and refugees afraid and “we will not stand idly by as our neighbors, friends and family face policies that undermine their safety, security and freedom.”

Murray said the city will spend $250,000 to help provide legal and other assistance to immigrants and refugees.

Murray had previously joined other Democratic mayors of major U.S. cities in saying they would do all they can to protect residents from deportation, despite the possibility that Trump could potentially withhold potentially millions of dollars in taxpayer money if they do not cooperate with federal authorities.


2:10 p.m.

Hundreds of people marched from Seattle’s Capitol Hill and Central District neighborhoods toward downtown for an immigrant and refugee rights rally and to protest the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

Carrying signs that said “Fight Racism & Sexism” and “Resist Trump,” people from separate earlier rallies were walking to meet at Westlake Park downtown Friday afternoon. Later in the evening another anti-Trump rally was expected.

The Seattle demonstrations were part of other gatherings in Portland, Oregon, and Olympia, Washington, following Trump’s inauguration earlier in the day.


12:31 p.m.

Students at several Seattle high schools walked out of class about noon as part of a broader protest against President Donald Trump.

An inauguration day student rally was planned for Friday afternoon at Seattle Central College Plaza. Among the high schools that saw students exit for the rally were Roosevelt, Ingraham and Garfield.

A separate, evening rally was planned at Westlake park in downtown.


10: 50 a.m.

About 200 protesters gathered on the Capitol steps in Olympia, Washington, carrying signs that included “Resist Trump” and “Not My President.”

Later Olympia police reported that about 100 people marched through downtown, causing some traffic disruptions.

Protests and rallies following President Donald Trump’s inauguration Friday were also scheduled for later in the day in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle.


8:12 a.m.

Protests rallies and marches are scheduled in Portland and Seattle as Donald Trump is inaugurated as the nation’s 45th president.

In Seattle, a student walkout at Seattle Central was planned for noon Friday, along with a rally through the city for immigrant and refugee rights later in the afternoon. And an evening rally is planned at Westlake Park downtown.

In Portland there’s a noon student walkout at Portland State University, as well as a flag-burning event to be staged at Pioneer Courthouse Square in the afternoon. Friday evening afternoon and evening a large protest was scheduled in downtown Portland that is expected to draw thousands.

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