- Monday, January 2, 2017

President Obama is doing dirty tricks by trying to thwart President-elect Donald Trump’s promised agenda even before Mr. Trump is sworn in on Jan. 20. For instance, Mr. Obama recently banned all offshore oil drilling in an attempt to hurt Mr. Trump’s promise to America that he will use all forms of energy to get the United States energy-independent.

Mr. Trump has promised a wall at the Mexican border to stop dangerous illegals from coming into our country, bringing in possible terrorists, disease and drugs. However, even now, the Obama administration is allowing millions of illegals to come in with no vetting. Mr. Obama is currently releasing felons from federal prisons and is speeding up his policy to discharge dangerous terrorists from Guantanamo Bay. Mr. Trump has promised to clean up crime and keep “Gitmo” open.

Recently Mr. Obama has retaliated against Russia President Vladimir Putin with the unproven allegation that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee to release information damaging to the Democrats and Hillary Clinton. Mr. Obama has ordered all Russian diplomats and representatives back to Russia. But Mr. Putin, in a great move, has allowed the U.S. diplomats to stay in Russia, drawing Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump together.

Mr. Obama has pulled the rug out from under Israel by not vetoing a United Nations resolution to give the West Bank of Israel to the Palestinians. In my opinion, this was designed to thwart any relationship between Mr. Trump and Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East. But both Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Mr. Trump agreed to be strong allies when Mr. Trump becomes president.

These actions by Mr. Obama, who has just a short time left before Mr. Trump takes office, show him to be vindictive, petty and a sore loser.



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