- Thursday, January 19, 2017

Here are some top quotes from faith-related articles and opinion columns this week — with an expected emphasis on the pending inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States. 

First, Jerry Johnson, the president of National Religious Broadcasters, will issue a call for prayer for the president-elect today at a meeting of “Faith Leaders for America.

“Our primary prayer for President Trump is that he would succeed in his God-given assignment of keeping the peace. Defending Americans ‘against all enemies, foreign and domestic’ should be the top presidential priority from Day One.”

Next, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin wrote about the promise and potential of the Donald Trump administration on account of the people Mr. Trump has brought on board:

President-Elect Trump has earned even more credibility with voters by those he has chosen to surround him. His first major decision was arguably his best, choosing Mike Pence as his running mate. Mr. Pence has, in recent years, become a close friend of mine both professionally and personally. I know him to be a man of great character, strong faith, and deep intellect. Mr. Trump astutely named Mike Pence as Chair of his Transition Team. Likewise, Mr. Trump has made it clear that he wants Vice President Pence to be intimately involved in the daily work of the Trump administration. These decisions speak to the President-Elect’s talent for finding excellent people to fill key roles, and to his willingness to embrace the good counsel that they provide.

Finally, Michael Brown, radio talk show host and self-described “Jewish follower of Jesus” said this about Donald Trump’s election:

“The odds of him becoming president were so overwhelming the only way he could have made it is with divine intervention,” said Brown, 61….“We’re not looking for Donald Trump to be a savior,” said Brown. “We understand that if he’s a Christian, he’s a new Christian.” …“We’re not looking for Donald Trump to be a savior,” said Brown. “We understand that if he’s a Christian, he’s a new Christian.”Instead, Brown hopes Trump will provide what he called a “divine respite” on issues such as religious liberty. Instead, Brown hopes Trump will provide what he called a “divine respite” on issues such as religious liberty.‘The feeling is that he’ll listen and surround himself with good people,” said Brown. “He wants to be a friend to conservative Christians and the Christian community.” ‘The feeling is that he’ll listen and surround himself with good people,” said Brown. “He wants to be a friend to conservative Christians and the Christian community.” It’s not up to the president, he said, to restore biblical values. “When it comes to changing the hearts and minds of Americans, that’s up to the church to do,” he said. “It’s very easy for us to put expectations in an elected official beyond their capacity. It would be a real mistake to do that with Donald Trump.”

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