- The Washington Times - Thursday, January 19, 2017

Almost two-thirds of federal employees voted for Hillary Clinton during the presidential election, according to a new survey conducted by Government Executive. It may come as no surprise that some may jettison their jobs once incoming President Donald Trump assumes office. Almost a third of federal workers — 28 percent — “will definitely or possibly consider leaving after Jan. 20 when Trump is sworn into office and becomes leader of the executive branch,” the survey analysis noted.

Are these employees serious? Well, yes and no.

“About half of those who will consider leaving are eligible for retirement and would do so earlier than they originally planned, while another 37 percent said they would seek another job outside of federal government. Just 1 percent said they would quit and figure out their next step at a later time, while an additional 12 percent said they were not sure what they would do,” the analysis said.

Half also said that Mr. Trump’s business experience would “hinder his management of the federal government” while almost two-thirds believe his business relationships pose a conflict of interest. Both points are also popular narratives within the Democratic Party, incidentally. Such sentiments have been lingering for months. A similar poll conducted in October found almost identical results. Another six-out-of-10 fretted that the election itself gave the public a negative impression of federal service, while only 20 percent felt that Mr. Trump would have a positive impact on their own agency.


The nation’s capital is braced for multiple protest rallies in the next 24 hours from various activist groups — most upset by the incoming Trump administration. A new Gallup Poll finds that 51 percent of Americans say such protests are inappropriate during a presidential inauguration, traditionally meant to symbolize a peaceful transition of power.

Another 46 percent of Americans say it’s OK to stage such protests. There is a marked and predictable partisan divide here: Only 23 percent of Republicans say the protests are appropriate. For Democrats, it’s 67 percent.


In one of his final acts in the White House, President Obama penned an open letter to Americans “to share what we know, what we’ve learned, and what small wisdom may help our successor bear the great responsibility that comes with the highest office in our land, and the leadership of the free world,” he wrote. The closing paragraph is of interest, and a hint of what may be in the future.

“When the arc of progress seems slow, remember: America is not the project of any one person. The single most powerful word in our democracy is the word ’We.’ ’We the People.’ ’We shall overcome.’ Yes, we can,” Mr. Obama wrote, adding this parting line: “And if you’d like to stay connected, you can sign up here to keep getting updates from me.”

The online link leads to the Barack Obama Foundation, a nonprofit established three years ago with a distinct message: “Eight years is only the beginning,” the site advises. “The change we seek will take longer than one presidency.” The organization is also coordinating the creation of the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago, with the goal to “connect history with action,” and the space meant to “tell President Obama’s story in ways no other presidential library or museum has.”


“He’s a great writer. He’s written 13 best-sellers.”

Tom Barrack, president of the Trump Inaugural Commission, to CNN


Billy Finch, an impersonator and singer based in the nation’s capital, has played everyone from Frank Sinatra to Elvis. Mr. Finch debuts his newest character at a local nightclub this weekend. Yes, he will play “President Trump” when he steps on the stage. He’s taken time to get to know his subject, and here’s what he has to say:

“What I have discovered after studying The Donald is how much fun he is having being Donald Trump. The mainstream media takes him literally when he’s joking, and they think he’s joking when he’s serious. The result? People on both sides of the aisle can’t get enough of Trump,” Mr. Finch tells Inside the Beltway.


Eleven years ago Al Gore produced a climate alarmist movie titled “An Inconvenient Truth” that thrilled liberals while vexing conservatives unconvinced the world would succumb to global warming. Get ready for Part II. “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” also produced by the former vice president, debuted at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival on Thursday night. The sequel opens in theaters nationwide on July 28.

Mr. Gore, now a 68-year-old vegan who drives an electric car and insists he is not part of the eco-minded celebrity crowd who ride on private jets and leave a big carbon footprint.

“I do not own a private jet. Never have,” he told The Hollywood Reporter. And everything I do is completely offset with carbon credits. I do everything I can to walk the walk as I talk the talk.”


At auction on Saturday: The Utah Cliff House, one-of-a-kind stone, metal and wood structure built into the side of Montezuma Canyon in Monticello, Utah; sited on 12 acres. Three bedrooms, two baths; 2,100-square-foot residence includes self-sufficient, off-grid living with solar system plus back-up generator. Private well, water collection tanks, vegetable garden, vineyard, orchard, 900-square-foot garage. “This is not a distressed sale. The owners are getting older,” the auctioneers note; find the property at UtahCliffHouse.com.


⦁ 86 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the U.S. Postal Service; 83 percent of Republicans and 86 percent of Democrats agree.

⦁ 69 percent overall have a favorable view of the FBI; 65 percent of Republicans and 76 percent of Democrats agree.

⦁ 62 percent have a favorable view of the CIA; 59 percent of Republicans and 69 percent of Democrats agree.

⦁ 61 percent have a favorable view of the Justice Department; 47 percent of Republicans and 74 percent of Democrats agree.

⦁ 58 percent have a favorable view of the IRS; 43 percent of Republicans and 72 percent of Democrats agree.

⦁ 49 percent overall have a favorable view of the Department of Veterans Affairs; 40 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of Democrats agree.

Source: A Pew Research Center poll of 1,502 U.S. adults conducted Jan. 4-2 and released Thursday.

⦁ Hurrahs and hisses to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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