- Monday, January 16, 2017

Am I the only one mystified by the demagogic charges against President-elect Donald Trump that he collaborated with the Russians to benefit his campaign against Hillary Clinton? People should realize that it would have been to Russia’s benefit for Hillary, not Mr. Trump, to have been elected. After all, she promised to continue President Obama’s policies, while Mr. Trump offered an alternative. Mr. Obama’s policies, or lack thereof, were a benefit to Russia, not America. Consider the infamous “reset button,” Russia’s involvement in Ukraine, the seizing of Crimea, Russian support of the criminal regime of Syria, and further expansion of Russian power into the Middle East quagmire. On top of this, undermining America in the world is to Russia’s advantage, and certainly, Obama/Hillary’s disastrous Libya policy further weakened our standing in the world.

All this worked to the advantage of Russia and happened on Mr. Obama’s watch. So, why would Russia want to do anything to help Mr. Trump get elected, knowing a Trump presidency would not continue Mr. Obama’s disastrous policies?



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