- Associated Press - Monday, February 6, 2017

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Gov. Henry McMaster asked the federal government Monday for $5 billion to help repair South Carolina’s crumbling roads and bridges, marking his first public stance on the road-funding question.

The Republican governor’s letter to President Donald Trump also indicated a dislike of raising the state’s 16-cents-per-gallon gas tax.

“It is too much at this time to ask our people to bear this burden alone, heightening fears of increased gas taxes, delay, missed opportunities and decline,” McMaster wrote. A $5 billion appropriation would “help us bridge this economic gap and ignite a prosperity that will return the investment many times over.”

But it remains unclear whether McMaster, who has been mum on the issue, would veto legislation that includes raising a state tax unchanged since 1987. McMaster’s office declined to specify.

Proposals in the House and Senate include raising the tax supporters say is partly paid by tourists. The House plan would eventually generate an additional $600 million yearly for roadwork, while the Senate’s would raise $800 million. The state Department of Transportation says it needs $1.1 billion annually over the next 25 years to bring the nation’s fourth-largest highway system up to good condition.

House Majority Leader Gary Simrill applauded McMaster for sending the letter and is hopeful the state receives the money. But he said it doesn’t change South Carolina’s need for a long-term, comprehensive road-funding solution.

Simrill, who has led the House’s road-funding effort for years, said McMaster’s request reflects about five years’ worth of funding.

“Funding from a federal bill is welcome, but we are still are playing catch-up in South Carolina on our roadways,” said Simrill, R-Rock Hill, adding that he’s eager to work with McMaster.

Legislators have been hopeful that McMaster’s ascension to the governor’s office would finally lead to a long-term funding solution. Former Gov. Nikki Haley’s pledge to veto anything with a gas tax increase stymied the effort for years.

According to McMaster’s office, he recommends that $2 billion of his federal request go toward paving and repairing interstates and primary routes, $2 billion go toward widening congested stretches of interstate, $500 million to replace structurally deficient bridges and $500 million for safety improvements to the state’s deadliest miles.

McMaster also seeks the remaining $180 million to deepen Charleston Harbor, noting that the state has already set aside more than $340 million for the project. Construction is set to begin later this year.

“While our Charleston port is strong and getting stronger, our roads and bridges leading to it and to our neighboring states need help,” McMaster wrote. “Some are worn and inadequate; others are dangerous.”

A House road-funding bill will get its first hearing in a subcommittee Tuesday.

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