- The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 28, 2017

President Trump orders his steak well-done with ketchup. His senior adviser, Kellyanne Conway, was snapped in a picture with her feet underneath her on couch in the Oval Office — and it’s the end of decorum, civility and culture at the White House.

The Washington Post was especially snippy about Mr. Trump’s dining choices — unleashing their food critic Tom Sietsema on Mr. Trump to describe just how uncouth and caveman-esque Mr. Trump’s tastes were:

“Trump ordered a strip steak, which he ate per his preference, well done and with ketchup, as if the entree would be accompanied by a sippy cup. (Insert a moment of silence for the cow, the condiment and what most chefs would call a forced marriage. Really, I feel the same way about masking the flavor of a $54 dry-aged steak as I do about guys who wear baseball caps indoors: Just don’t. Anyone who knows anything about cooking meat knows the longer it stays on the grill, the drier and tougher it becomes. Plus, some chefs respond to ’well done’ with a lesser steak, figuring the recipient isn’t respecting the ingredient. Finally, pity the new kitchen lead, chef de cuisine Brian Drosenos, who had to deal with the ultimate VIP in his first week on the job.)”

I really don’t care how Mr. Trump orders his steak — my grandpa also liked his well-done and I loved him all the same. If you care about these things, you have a real problem, too much time on your hands, or both.

It’s America. If you can afford and like steak, order it however you want.

Now let’s move on to Ms. Conway — another stupid controversy.

Ms. Conway was snapped with her feet tucked under her on a couch in the Oval Office while Mr. Trump was hosting representatives of black universities and colleges on Monday.

“The more you look at this, the more you recognize Kellyanne’s play: one who flaunts their indecorousness as ultimate signifier of privilege,” wrote Mother Jones editor-in-chief Clara Jeffery, of the photo.

“It is hard to believe that Kellyanne Conway would been sitting like this if the President were meeting with the NRA or White evangelicals…,” wrote Marc Lamont Hill, host of BET News.

Yet, what went under-reported (or not at all) was the fact Ms. Conway was in the process of snapping a photo of the entire group.

In an email to The Washington Post, Ms. Conway said she had been asked chronicle the event through photos, and instead of focusing on the picture, “coverage should rightly be on the actual visit and the incredible, important work of these men and women at HBCUs.”

What’s really hilarious is how the left has all of a sudden become the guardians of decorum in the White House. President Barack Obama was photographed several times with his feet on top of the Oval Office’s desk, and we all know what President Bill Clinton did in there.

Ms. Conway’s positioning to get a picture? Not a big deal. Mr. Trump’s steak preferences? Who cares. Let’s all just get over it, and on with our own lives.

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