- The Washington Times - Monday, February 27, 2017

The co-creator of the popular party game “Cards Against Humanity” has sent his newest project, “Secret Hitler,” to all U.S. senators as commentary on President Donald Trump.

Max Temkin recently teamed up with author Tommy Maranges and video-game maker Mike Boxleiter on game that forces altruistic “liberals” to find “fascists” in their midst before Nazis seize control.

The trio recently sent their game, which was funded by a $1.4 million Kickstarter campaign, to every sitting U.S. senator as a warning about the Trump administration.

“To achieve his evil ends, Adolf Hitler required the cooperation of well-meaning men who hoped to appease and control the Nazis,” says the narrator in a promotional video released Feb. 24. “Our game explores that relationship and highlights the difficulty of recognizing your own manipulation before it’s too late. Although our game takes place in 1933 Germany, we thought you and your staff might find our game relevant as you negotiate the balance of power with the Trump White House.”

The game, which costs $35 on Amazon.com, is designed for 5-10 players ages 17 and up.

“The majority of players are liberals,” the Secret Hitler website says. “If they can learn to trust each other, they have enough votes to control the table and win the game. But some players are fascists. They will say whatever it takes to get elected, enact their agenda, and blame others for the fallout. The liberals must work together to discover the truth before the fascists install their cold-blooded leader and win the game.”

The creators also list President Trump’s New York address for those who want to “complain” about fascism.

Mr. Trump has criticized all of the “ugly forms” of bigotry and condemned anti-Semitism.

“The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil,” Mr. Trump said Feb. 21 during an event at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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