- Monday, February 20, 2017

President Trump has a lot of opposition from the Democrats, and that was expected. But what wasn’t expected is the opposition he is getting from Republicans. He isn’t perfect, but is a million times better than Hillary Clinton would have been. He has taken on the Herculean task of straightening out the disaster that the Democrats have created. He can use some help instead of constant criticism from his own party.

There seems to be a major difference between the two parties. Many Democrats will vote for a candidate regardless of how bad he or she is. Many Republicans won’t vote or help a fellow Republican because no matter how good he or she is, they are never good enough (e.g., Mitt Romney).

Mr. Trump isn’t perfect. There has only been one person who was (and is) perfect — and they crucified Him. It is past time for Republicans and the loyal Americans to rally behind and support Mr. Trump instead of opposing him because he makes a few mistakes.



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