- Sunday, February 19, 2017


President Trump continues to deliver on his campaign promises in spades.

With nearly every initiative, he boldly obliterates the bureaucratic “business as usual, the people be damned” approach that Americans have endured for the past eight years.

The voters demanded change — drastic change — and that is exactly what they have received in the first few weeks of the Trump-Pence administration.

The administration is leading our nation toward freedom from oppressive governmental policies that have left poor children trapped in failing schools; families abandoned in violent inner cities; American businesses captive to foreign competitors; oil, gas and coal resources locked beneath our soil; patients shackled by bureaucratic health care mandates; and American workers out of jobs and nearly out of hope.

There is a wellspring of fresh hope bubbling up in the hearts of Americans everywhere who crave freedom. As our leaders begin to clear out and burn the regulatory weeds that have been strangling the people for far too long, optimism is the mood of the day.

But you would never know it by reading the headlines.

Unfortunately, there also has been a secondary political and cultural shift, the likes of which we have not seen in our lifetime: a growing contempt for our democratic republican system of government among hard-leaning liberals, including many in the media, who seek to obstruct democracy and create a negative narrative.

From boycotting congressional committee hearings to acts of violence in the streets to impugning the character of virtually every Trump administrative and Cabinet choice, these “progressives” are attempting to thwart the election results on every level.

To say they are sore losers is an understatement. The angry, hate-filled rhetoric and actions of the obstructionists reveal that they are desperate for attention, and the media elite are all too happy to oblige and escalate the vitriolic vengeance.

The plan is clear: Increase the volume and the torturous continual drip of protest until you’ve succeeded in driving the electorate nuts. Attack every hour, every day. Exaggerate the impact of every misstep of your opponents, and attempt to create a crisis where there is none. Riot in the streets, vilify the innocent, feign moral outrage, call people names, and — above all else — wear them down.

There have been few times in the history of American elections when the losing political party was this dead-set on thwarting the will of the electorate. We haven’t seen such ugliness, so many desperate attempts to hang on to power over the lives of others, since the days of the Democratic Party’s opposition to President Lincoln and his freedom movement.

#NotMyPresident would have been the social networking cry against Lincoln too.

But this time, freedom is finding a peaceful way forward as the voters who demanded liberty enthusiastically support the leaders they have put into office to deliver it.

The mass media dismissed the hundreds of thousands of people who showed up at Trump rallies around the country, even as they multiplied into millions of voters.

Once again, the media and their liberal leaders are underestimating the continuing support of the voters, as well as the commitment of the senators and congressmen elected fair and square in November.

Millions of citizens across the country are exuberant over the direction of the Trump-Pence team, even though the mass media will never acknowledge its numbers or commitment.

Despite the Democratic Party’s walkouts, character assassinations and temper tantrums, Republican leaders are united on nearly every front. They have proved that they will not be intimidated, bullied or stopped.

Yes, the culture of American politics is a-changing. But with our new leaders’ continued determination to do what is right, the obstructionists will be defeated and the bureaucratic stronghold that has held our nation captive for far too long will soon be broken.

Rebecca Hagelin can be reached at rebecca@rebeccahagelin.com.

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