- The Washington Times - Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The U.S. Army depicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as an insider threat in a Powerpoint presentation to soldiers on cyber security.

A photograph of Mrs. Clinton, who lost the Nov. 8 presidential race, is depicted along with two murderers, two leakers of classified information and one who mishandled secrets.

Mrs. Clinton, as secretary of State, exclusively used a home-based server to handle all her government emails, instead of a more secure state.gov address. Some contained highly classified information and the FBI said the server was vulnerable to foreign intrusion. She was not charged.

The others depicted: Food Hood assassin Maj. Nidal Hassan, Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis, major leakers Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, and retired Army Gen. David Petraeus. He provided classified logs to his biographer and girlfriend.

The Army Powerpoint slide was obtained by the Judicial Watch, a conservative non-profit, through the Freedom of Information Act.

The insider threat lecture was delivered to soldiers at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri.

The photo array of Mrs. Clinton et al is headed, “Who is the Threat? Insiders.”

“No wonder it took a lawsuit to extract this damning Pentagon analysis which recognizes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as an ’Inside Threat’ to national security,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “I hope the Department of Justice takes note and proceeds with an appropriate investigation.”

• Rowan Scarborough can be reached at rscarborough@washingtontimes.com.

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