- The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Armageddon, biblically speaking, is the sign of the end of times — the be-all and end-all of battles, the one that pits good against evil and ushers in a period of humanly devastations unlike any ever before experienced.

But to Nancy Pelosi, the House’s highest-ranking Democrat, Armageddon is the Republican tax bill.

Eh, potato, potatoes. End of times, tax cuts, what have you. It’s easy to mix the two, yes?

Here’s what Pelosi said about the $1.4 trillion tax overhaul that came out of the Senate, which includes — thankfully — an end of the Obamacare mandate: “If this goes through, kiss life on earth goodbye. The debate on health care is like death. This is Armageddon.”

Or — is it?

Actually, the Senate version of the tax bill offers some pretty good things. Things that can really help hard-working Americans who’ve suffered under a burdensome rate and system for years. For instance: The Senate bill boots Obamacare’s socialist-style mandate. Thank goodness for that.

The Senate bill reduces the corporate tax rate to something more competitive with overseas’ rates, from 35 percent to 20 percent.

The Senate bill doubles the standard deduction for both single and married Americans.

The Senate bill does a lot more — quite a bit more that will help spur business growth, stimulate the economy and allow for working Americans to see more money in their own pockets, instead of in the government’s, for disbursement and reallocation.

But to Pelosi, fuhgettabout it.

Pass the tax bill, and people will die — and not just people, but as Armageddon reveals, tons and tons of people.

“The #GOPTaxScam is one of the worst bills to be brought to the floor in the history of the United States,” she tweeted. “We will fight with everything we have to stop this bill from becoming the law of the land.”

We know you will, Nancy. We just wish you’d do it with less histrionics and more rationale thought, as befitting a high-ranking member of Congress. No matter how bad, a tax bill is not Armageddon.

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