- The Washington Times - Monday, December 4, 2017

The left, including much of the media, are going nuts now, drooling at Michael Flynn’s guilty plea as if it’s the final nail in President Donald Trump’s coffin — the long-sought means to the impeachment end.

It’s not. That’s ludicrous. And the more hours that tick since Flynn announced his guilty plea, the more ludicrous the left’s wild-eyed panting seems.

Here are the facts: Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about communications he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on Dec. 22 and 29.

In December — after Trump had already won the White House.

The timing makes moot the left’s long-running mantra that Team Trump colluded with the Russians to steal away the election from Hillary Clinton.

Flynn did lie to Vice President Mike Pence over his communications with Russia — a curious lie since part of Flynn’s job was to talk to Russians about foreign policy. So why lie? But it was a lie nonetheless, and it was one that cost Flynn his White House job.

“I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI,” Trump tweeted over the weekend. “He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!”

A great deal has been made out of the fact Trump’s weekend tweet contained the words, “and the FBI,” because — so the theory goes, anyway — it seems to show Trump knew back in February, when Flynn was fired, that Flynn hadn’t been truthful with federal agents.

And, as The New York Times wrote: “Any such admission would be important in light of Mr. Trump’s [purported] effort that month to persuade the bureau’s director at the time, James B. Comey, to drop the investigation.”

Well, maybe. Maybe not, though.

The White House responded by saying Trump’s legal team, led by John Dowd, actually worded the at-issue tweet.

But in the end: Who really cares?

The American people are just not as down with the whole walking through the weeds thing the left is, that Mueller is, making a federal case out of every misstated word, every phrase and tweet that may or may not have deeper legal meaning.

But this is how the left works — like a pitbull grabbing tiny pieces of skin and flesh at a time, slowly working teeth over a body until hitting the kill spot.

Mueller and his team of attorneys-slash-investigators — make that, team of Democratic-supporting, Democratic Party donating attorneys-slash-investigators — are sifting through all the debris of campaign season, looking for any bit of red flag that can be raised, meaningful or not, significant or not, and then using the leftist media to spin the findings.

But let’s remember — and this is key: The whole reason Mueller was brought into the picture was to look for collusion between Team Trump, between Trump himself, if possible, and Russia, and to prove the left-driven allegations that this alleged collusion actually stole the White House from Clinton.

It’s a witch hunt.

The fact that Trump had already won the election when Flynn admitted speaking with Kislyak shows collusion could not possibly exist. You can’t steal an election that’s already been won.

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