- The Washington Times - Sunday, December 24, 2017

Indeed, it is a Merry Christmas for Americans of all races, creeds and genders and species and political persuasions — so long as they are legal Americans who work for a living and pay taxes.

President Trump’s 11th-month victory in Congress last week not only added to a significant list of achievements for his presidency, it also rescued his entire legislative agenda for the year.

He can now boast the most significant rewrite of the tax laws in a generation. He can also boast of considerable tax cuts. Most significantly, Mr. Trump can also boast of a near complete dismantling of the disastrous federal health-care law known as Obamacare.

Over Democrats’ strenuous objections and Republicans’ disingenuous false promises, Mr. Trump got the job done — with a major assist from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Today, the economy appears to be booming and with the heavy boot of government off their necks, American workers and businesses are set for a full gallop next year.

Let’s hope with improved economic conditions, politicians in both parties — led by Mr. Trump — will finally turn their attention to getting a grip on the insane and immoral spending to which the federal bureaucracy has been addicted for far too long.

But do not expect any thanks for this Merry Christmas from the petulant partisan Democrats — and Never Trump Republicans — who refuse any gift that might give an ounce of credit to the 45th president.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called Mr. Trump’s tax overhaul “the worst bill in the history of the United States Congress.”

Now it would be easy to just figure that old Aunt Nancy had just gotten too much of a snootful of spiked egg nog and shuffle her off to bed. But what’s the fun in that?

Let’s have some real nasty fun by taking the kook seriously and giving her the most generous benefit of the doubt — this being the Christmas season and all.

For someone who claims to care about women and minorities and equal justice, it is a tad curious to consider a tax cut and simplification of the tax code “the worst bill in the history of the United States Congress.”

The Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-18, for instance, clobbered free speech in America.

The Alien Registration Act of 1940 rounded up all foreigners (legally) in the U.S. and required them to be fingerprinted and registered. According to Mrs. Pelosi and her band of kleptocrats currently in Congress, we are not even allowed to do this with foreigners who are in the U.S. illegally today — let alone people here legally.

And that doesn’t even count the subsequent and far more serious rounding up and imprisoning of U.S. citizens of Japanese descent during the war.

But, according to Aunt Nancy, not NEARLY as bad as cutting the taxes for the innocent citizen.

On the matter of race — about which Mrs. Pelosi is constantly lecturing us — what about the Indians? The Indian Removal Act led to the Trail of Tears and the deaths of thousands of Native Americans.

Still, nothing so sinister as cutting taxes. (Psst, Aunt Nancy, you better not tell Sen. Elizabeth Warren that you think tax cuts are worse than killing Indians.)

And, of course, don’t forget Mrs. Pelosi’s most favorite hobby horse, racism against black Americans.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 forced free persons — even those living in states where slavery was not legal — to help capture and return runaway slaves to their owners. This pernicious law of Congress even applied to free black Americans. Can you imagine any more insidious insult by the federal government?

Aunt Nancy can! Oh, those evil tax cuts! Such an evil and peculiar institution!

On second thought, perhaps someone should put the doddering old lady to bed.

Merry Christmas, Aunt Nancy. And stay out of the eggnog.

Charles Hurt can be reached at churt@washingtontimes.com and on Twitter @charleshurt.

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