- The Washington Times - Saturday, December 23, 2017

Americans, fully 60 percent of them, say President Donald Trump’s White House has ushered in a new state of worsened race relations around the country, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

But that viewpoint is not exactly based on fact. The numbers only tell half the story.

The larger truth is that angry leftists fueled by Black Lives Matter, antifa thugs, radical feminists and a core of committed Democrats/progressives/socialists, have worsened race relations by orchestrating violent clashes and endorsing chaotic street protests over Trump’s messages and policies on immigration, border security, climate change, historical monuments, tax reform and the like — and have then wrongfully painted these policies as based in racism and misogyny.

And a complicit, anti-Trump mainstream media has run with the messaging.

So now voilà: You have a new survey that shows most in America blame Trump for a rise in racial tensions.

But you can’t fault Trump for the race cards these leftists throw.

You can’t fault Trump for the media’s buy of their lies.

That’s part and parcel of the leftist drive to impeach or, barring that, completely undercut this White House’s agenda and influence. Making Trump seem one step shy from donning a KKK hood is just their game.

But it doesn’t mean it’s true.

Do not discount the media’s power to influence perception, though.

The same media that gleefully quotes illegals and amnesty lovers as calling out Trump as a discriminatory pig for bolstering border security with Mexico is also busily ignoring the Black Lives Matter calls to kill white police officers, or the Mexican-flag-waving protester’s bashing of a MAGA-hat wearer with a baseball bat.

And now, perception — meet pollster.

From Pew: “Most Americans Say Trump’s Election Has Led to Worse Race Relations in the U.S.” That’s followed by this: “[Sixty] percent say his election has led to worse race relations … Just 8% say Trump’s election has led to better race relations, while 30% say it has not made a difference.”

The poll also found that 58 percent of Americans characterize race relations in the country them as “generally bad,” and only 38 percent, “generally good,.” And 65 percent say there are “very strong” or “strong” tensions between blacks and whites.

Now here’s the blame game.

Pew’s poll may find that “25 percent [of Republicans] say Trump [himself] has made race relations worse,” and 83 percent of Democrats “say his election has led to worse race relations,” too.

Nope, sorry.

How is this Trump’s fault?

Let’s be truthful here. Perceived worsening race relations in this country are due to a slew of factors, but most are rooted in the actions and messaging of those who utterly detest Trump, his platforms, his America First mentality, his return to more conservative ideals and bold slap-down of progressive give-aways — and who don’t mind dropping a race card or two here, a gender card or two there, in order to make that all-consuming leftist case for impeachment.

Want to test that theory?

Let the poll questions be: Who’s had more impact on worsening race relations in this country, Black Lives Matter or Trump? Antifa or Trump? Nancy Pelosi or Trump? Maxine Waters or Trump? Barack Obama or Trump?

That might bring about some findings that are a bit closer to the truth.

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