- The Washington Times - Friday, December 22, 2017

In what can only be interpreted as a Christmas gift to Republicans, The Hill is reporting that failed Democratic candidate for president, Hillary Clinton, is mulling her role in the 2018 mid-term elections, and some Democrats are thrilled with the idea:

“For me, it’s a no-brainer,” former Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman during the 2012 and 2014 election cycles, said in an interview. “If she’s willing to go into those districts she won, she would be extraordinarily helpful,” he said.

I suppose that means the Hillary still won’t be heading to Wisconsin or Michigan to campaign. 

Clinton has engaged in a victory defeat tour over the past several months. While peddling her book “What Happened,” the former secretary of state has enjoyed glowing praise from mainstream media outlets as well as border-line hagiographic behavior from late-night talk-show hosts … and from disgraced morning television hosts. 

Despite the groveling, sycophantic praise from the media, Clinton’s Gallup poll ratings recently cratered to the mid-30s. That and the reality that for her entire adult life Clinton has been a polarizing and divisive figure has given some Clinton confidantes pause about the 2018 plans. 

“She’s the human personification of what the split in the country is,” one Clinton friend told The Hill under the protective cloak of anonymity. “And look, she understands what that means and what that means for her. She’s very attuned to what’s going on. She’s not confused about it. She has some people pulling on her to be involved and others who are saying, ’maybe not.’ “

No doubt Mitch McConnell, hoping to expand his narrow majority in the Senate in 2018, is secretly chanting “Run, Hillary Run!” in his office.

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