- The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Turns out, it was the FBI, in the cloak room, with a secret dossier and agenda to take down President Donald Trump.

Is that the truth? Haven’t a Clue. (See what I did there?)

Anyway, thank goodness for Rep. Jim Jordan — yes?

He’s the Ohio guy on Capitol Hill right now really gunning for the behind-scenes on the whole Russia collusion so-far sham investigation into Team Trump to explain itself — to explain why, oh why, all these uncomfortable federal investigators’ biases keep on popping.

And he’s helping to prepare the subpoenas as we speak.

On various FBI and U.S. Department of Justice officials, Jordan said: “I think they were putting together a plan to keep Donald Trump from becoming the next president of the United States,” Cleveland.com noted, citing a Fox News interview.

Jordan’s basis for that argument is that: A) a couple of agents who served on Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigative team of Trump — Peter Strzok and Lisa Page — traded massively anti-Trump text messages that also showed the love for Hillary Clinton; and B) Bruce Ohr.

Ohr, of course, is the Justice Department guy whose wife worked for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that produced the dossier containing all those unproven but salacious accusations against Trump.

On that, Fox recently reported: “A co-founder of the opposition research firm Fusion GPS [Glenn Simpson] acknowledge in a new court document that his company hired the wife of a senior Justice Department official [Ohr] to help investigate then-candidate Donald Trump last year … Simpson said … that he [also] met personally with Bruce Ohr, ’at his request, after the November 2016 election to discuss our findings regarding Russia and the election.’ “

This is interesting stuff because it shows not only bias — but bias of key people involved in the supposedly non-biased investigation of Russia-Trump collusion.

Strzok and Page have been fired from Mueller’s team; Ohr, demoted.

But Jordan’s far from soothed — and so are Americans concerned about what Trump so frequently called a Deep State problem on Capitol Hill.

“Everything points to the fact that there was an orchestrated plan to try to prevent Donald Trump from being the next president of the United States,” Jordan said.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe just faced about eight hours of fire behind closed House Intelligence Committee doors on Capitol Hill about potential conflicts of interest and anti-Trump bias. Details are scarce about the content of the hearing, but as Rep. Trey Gowdy warned a few days before McCabe’s scheduled appearance: “I’ll be a little bit surprised if he is still an employee of the FBI this time next week.”

He’s the one believed to be the “Andy” named in the texts that Strzok and Page traded.

Here’s the most damaging text: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok wrote on August 15, 2016. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”


On the flip side, nobody really knows what Mueller’s assembled, by way of proving some sort of collusion. And nobody really knows what bits and pieces of information he’s slowly assembling that might paint a picture of collusion — or not.

But the bias from the investigative side is breath-taking. And it does give legs to the notion of a concerted campaign to target Trump for a take-down — and not from the expected sources, the Hillary Clinton campaign team.

“The chairman of the Judiciary Committee is going to subpoena Lisa Page,” Jordan said, The Hill reported. “He’s going to subpoena Bruce Ohr and he’s going to subpoena Peter Strzok and we’re also going to get eventually to Andrew McCabe, as well. We need those people to come in, to be deposed and to put those people on the same stand that [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions and [Deputy Attorney General Rod] Rosenstein sat on in the past few weeks.”

Out of the mouths of lawmakers.

Be ready for fiery Capitol Hill talks come 2018 — and a political atmosphere that will usher in new definitions for partisanship and rancor.


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