- The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Columbia, South Carolina, Mayor Steven Benjamin, a Democrat, said city council members are poised to approve a new ordinance that bans bump stocks, the firearm add-on that critics say turns a semi-automatic into a fully automatic — albeit without much control.

Useless. Useless, useless and useless.

And in Columbia’s case, historically useless. The city, if it passes the measure, will become the first in the nation to ban bump stocks.

Why is it every time a shooting of sizable proportion occurs in America, the left feels the need to take some sort of useless action, which they then, unbelievably enough, try to sell as life-saving?

A bump stock is a simply an add-on — an accessory. And moreover, it significantly affects the ability of users to hit select targets. In fact, critics of the add-on say it’s really only good for randomly spraying bullets at a widespread and far-reaching target that’s 400 feet or so away.

That’s what Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock used, at least on a dozen of the rifles he used to fire into the concert-going crowd below his hotel room and kill, ultimately, 58.

And that right there is why the bans are being discussed.

The left likes to tout legislation and law as a success if it, say, saves even one person from harm or death. Of course, that an entire population might be put out — an entire population, in the bump stock ban case, of law-abiding Second Amendment supporters — and prevented from partaking in their previously held rights is besides the matter. So long as one person is saved, the ends justify the means, at least in the minds of the nanny-minded left.

That seems to be the driving force behind this Columbia move.

“One of the common refrains that you hear whether it was in Texas or Vegas or Sandy Hook is that a good guy with a gun could have stopped the carnage,” Benjamin told Reuters. “It’s time for the good guys with guns to begin to pass some really good policy.”

Well, not to state the obvious, yet again, in a case involving a mass shooter. But murder is already outlawed. You think Paddock would’ve suffered a crisis of conscience buying illegal bump stocks to commit his acts of murder?

Right. So once again, it’s the law-abiding who suffer for the law breakers. And once again, it’s the law-abiding who suffer the patronizing left’s pat-of-head attempt to solve a problem without addressing the problem.

It’s not the bump stocks.

It’s the evil hearts and designs of human kind. And you can’t legislate away evil. That’s God’s domain.

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