- The Washington Times - Monday, December 18, 2017

This is why the United Nations is virtually useless — and anti-American.

The U.N. Security Council is mulling a draft resolution that would overturn President Donald Trump’s announced recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel.

The vote goes forth Monday. It’s a lost cause for the United Nations.

America, presumably, will veto.

But the thing about the draft — apparently seen by Reuters — is it doesn’t even have the gumption to mention the United States, or Trump. That’s like pretending the elephant in the room doesn’t exist — like tippy-toeing right by the beast.

As if the beast won’t notice?

On top of that, the draft resolution doesn’t even have a chance in you know what to pass. U.N. resolutions take nine votes to pass — but not one of the countries of France, Britain, Russia, China and, oh yes, there’s that elephant again, America, cannot veto.

So that means the vote is purely symbolic.

And that means the United Nations, once again, is sending a hate note America’s way — Israel’s way.

Remember back in September when U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley vowed Trump was bringing “a new day for the U.N.,” a new day that means a stop to the nonstop “Israel bashing” and a subduing of bureaucratic bloat at the global power?

America does.

And honestly, now’s a good time for the United Nations to be reminded again, too.

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