- The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 12, 2017

College administrators around the country, it seems, are rushing to acquiesce to even the most minor of voices on campuses to make sure the “C” word — that’s “C” for Christmas, shhh! — doesn’t cause angst in some offended student’s ears.

Basically, they’re driving hard to drive out the reason for the season, Jesus Christ.

The overriding message?

Don’t be religious.

Campus Reform notes that the University of California, Irvine, is emphasizing a “focus on celebrating a special occasion, instead of a specific holiday.”

Like an end-of-term party, maybe?

The school also wants to “ensure that office celebrations are not indirectly celebrating religious holidays,” the news outlet reported.

Yes, because Christmas with Christ is discriminatory — it makes Muslims, for instance, feel bad. Atheists, too. And Hanukkah? Don’t even get started with that one. That’s a whole new Jewish can of worms right there.

It’s not just California.

“Keep decorations general and nonspecific to any religion,” blasted the guidelines to students at the State University of New York, Brockport. “Create a winter theme with lights and color rather than religious icons, or include decorations from all the cultural traditions represented.”

And above all, don’t let it be argued that the birth of Christ has anything — anything at all — to do with Christmas. On that, keep the conversation focused on the pagan aspects of Christmas. Make it seem like the Christians are the ones who stole the holiday from the pagans, and that the secular world is just stealing it back.

What a crock. There’s more.

“[Decorations] displayed in public areas,” announced Ohio University, in its “holiday expenditures” guide, “[should] be secular in nature.”

And of those who do insist on the traditional Nativity scenes — like this White House?

Condemn them, in the strongest language possible.

“Bringing back the nativity scene is a slap in the face to the remaining religions thriving within America,” wrote the editorial board of the University of Alabama’s student newspaper, Campus reform reported. “Placing the nativity scene on the grounds of the most important house in the United States is sending the message that their president forgets those who do not practice Christianity.”

Not true. But it does send the message that this president — unlike the previous administration — remembers with respect those who practice Christianity.

And what better time of year to remember and honor Christianity than Christmas — you know, the holiday with Christ’s name right in it?

Now if only the snowflakes on college campuses would get on board. 

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