- The Washington Times - Monday, December 11, 2017

The scores of women who’ve accused President Donald Trump of sexual harassment have banded together to demand Congress look into their accusations.

Let them be heard.

They have a right to speak out as much as the next person.

And yes, this means the circus will come to town — the partisan, ugly, finger-pointing circus filled with Democrats who will then demand Trump resign, else face impeachment. But how else to respond?

Claiming all the women are liars is a loser of a line of argument. Dismissing their claims as too old to matter isn’t going to quell the storm.

No, this train has left the station — way back when Harvey Weinstein boarded — and the only thing to do for now, whether Democrat or Republican, is ride it.

As CBS News noted: “In November, Brave New Films released ’16 Women and Donald Trump,’ which tells the stories of the sixteen women who have publicly reported sexual harassment and assault by President Trump. These brave women have all spoken out individually. The video, which has been viewed over six million times, compiled their stories in one place for the first time. Now they are gathering in person to speak out and call for accountability.”

They’re holding a press conference to demand Congress get involved and launch an investigation of their allegations. And they’re spearheading their conference with an appearance on “Today” with Megyn Kelly.

The White House and Trump have denied all the women’s allegations. At this point, in this atmosphere, it doesn’t matter.

Shutting down these women’s voices won’t make the political problem go away. And in the end, if their stories prove true in the minds of the American people and the worst-case scenario meets the worst-case scenario — if the Democrats get their ultimate way with this line of attack — well, then, consider this: Vice President Mike Pence is hardly a push-over. And he’s far more open with his Christian moral compass than the left would like. In fact, Pence would quite probably be the nightmare the left dreads — the uniter and staunch conservative the right craves.

So you see, letting the chips fall where they may on this doesn’t necessarily mean total gloom and doom and destruction for the Republicans.

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