- Friday, August 4, 2017


If anyone has any doubt the swamp in Washington does not want to be drained, all someone has to do is look at the news that came out Thursday. Special prosecutor Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury to investigate, well anything he wants to about Donald Trump.

Despite a shocking lack of proof, the FBI investigation into Russian “collusion” or attempts to interfere in America’s 2016 election, was handed off to a special prosecutor. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the probe and handed it to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Mr. Rosenstein appointed Mr. Mueller as special prosecutor but then gave Mueller an absolute free hand in the investigation. Unlike most other special prosecutors, there are literally no limits on what Mueller can investigate.

Mr. Mueller has 16 prosecutors working for him. At least eight are partisan Democrats. While there is at least one attorney working for Mr. Mueller who has contributed to both Republicans and Democrats, there is not a single partisan Republican working for the special prosecutor.

While there is no special prosecutor looking into Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton or the infamous meeting on the tarmac where then Attorney General Loretta Lynch just magically happened to be at an airport where Bill Clinton showed up. There is no special prosecutor looking into the mishandling of classified information by the Clintons or the blatant misuse of the Clinton Foundation as a corruption scheme for the Clintons.

SEE ALSO: Robert Mueller impanels grand jury in Russia probe

President Trump should have his legal counsel working on one simple question. Can he pardon himself? He will need to ask that question because an alliance of liberal democrats and the members of the swamp are coming after him. Pundits are already discussing whether or not President Trump can be convicted of obstruction of justice.

Obstruction of justice is one of the worst written crimes in the U.S. Code. Almost anything, including a poor memory, can be obstruction of justice.

The real issue here is a slow, silent coup against the properly elected president of the United States.

The Democrats are beside themselves with joy. They remember 1972. In 1972, Richard Nixon won the greatest landslide in America’s presidential election history. Less than two years later, he was driven from the White House in disgrace. Democrats took control of both the House and the Senate with super majorities.

The Mueller investigation is one of the worst assaults on the American political system. The special prosecutor is engaged in a nakedly political witch hunt on the president. Mr. Mueller had eight Democrats and eight Republicans on his staff, that might be different. But he doesn’t have that.

Millions of real Americans who voted for Donald Trump will be outraged if he is indicted and removed from office as a result of the efforts of a partisan prosecutor.

And what happens after that?

Many Washington Republicans are just as happy as the Democrats about Mr. Mueller’s assault on Trump. For the Republican Party, this prosecutor may be the end of the GOP. If the GOP does not defend Mr. Trump against this abuse, millions of Trump voters will walk away from the GOP.

Donald Trump is not a part of the Washington swamp. He delivered millions of voters to the GOP that liberals John McCain and Mitt Romney could not. Many of the Washington Republicans would be happy to see him go. But if he does go and the Republicans do not fight for him, those Trump voters won’t be fighting for the Republican Party in 2020.

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