- Associated Press - Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Sunday, Sept. 3

On this date in 1852, the schooner “Capacity” reached the mouth of the Colorado River and unloaded a steam engine, boiler and lumber for the construction of a river steamer.

On this date in 1877, Ed Schieffelin recorded his claim to the “Tombstone Mine” in the territorial courthouse in Tucson.

On this date in 1929, George Truman, state senator from Pinal County, died in San Francisco. Truman had been a Rough Rider, deputy sheriff, assessor, treasurer and member of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors.

On this date in 1934, 10,000 people Chiricahua National Monument to witness ceremonies opening the new scenic highway through the Wonderland of Rocks.

On this date in 1997, Gov. Fife Symington resigns after being convicted of federal bank fraud charges stemming from his bankrupt real estate empire. The conviction was later overturned and Symington was pardoned by President Clinton in 2001.

Monday, Sept. 4

On this date in 1857, Lt. Edward Fitzgerald Beale arrived at the Colorado River approximately 125 miles above Needles after surveying a wagon road along the 35th parallel from Fort Defiance. Beale experimented with the use of camels on his expedition.

On this date in 1886, the Geronimo surrender conference was held in Skeleton Canyon near the present city of Douglas.

On this date in 1887, when Apache County Sheriff Commodore Perry Owens went to the Blevins house in Holbrook to serve a warrant on Andy Blevins, he found himself involved in a gunfight with five armed outlaws inside the house. Owens killed two of the five and wounded two.

On this date in 1921, August Ealey, a miner working a silver claim near Redington, reported finding a “burial ground of a race of giants.”

On this date in 1924, the first Arizona Indian cast his ballot under the provisions of an act of Congress granting citizenship to American Indians.

Tuesday, Sept. 5

On this date in 1865, Sonora Gov. Ingacia Pesqueira crossed the border to elude capture by Imperialt troops. He made his headquarters at Tubac which became the capitol of Sonora for some months thereafter.

On this date in 1872, the first public school in Phoenix opened on First Avenue just south of Washington Street.

On this date in 1905, a cloudburst in the Granite Mountains caused floods which swept away cattle, sheep and chickens in Williamson and Skull Valley.

On this date in 1931, Pima County supervisors accused Maricopa County supervisors with giving eastbound, indigent travelers enough gasoline to get them to Tucson. Maricopa County denied it.

On this date in 1970, Mesa law enforcement agent Gilbert Duthie was killed when his patrol car ran off the highway and into Sycamore Creek as he attempted to assess flood damage. The former Beeline Highway is now named after Duthie and another officer killed in the line of duty.

Wednesday, Sept. 6

On this date in 1891, Tucson sprinkled 17,000 gallons of water daily on downtown streets to settle the dust.

On this date in 1898, a tornado unroofed several homes in Casa Grande, causing one death.

On this date in 1911, a fire destroyed one wing of the state asylum in Phoenix. The militia was called out to evacuate and guard 160 patients.

On this date in 1911, the Inspector of Weights and Measures found that 30 out of 33 scales in Tucson were giving short weight.

On this date in 1932, the Northern Arizona State Teachers College in Flagstaff decided to accept hay, potatoes, eggs, oats or anything else edible in lieu of cash from students for room and board and books.

On this date in 2006, Phoenix police arrested construction worker Mark Goudeau in the sexual assault of two sisters. The arrest led to Goudeau being charged in the killing of nine people in the so-called Baseline Killer case that terrorized the Phoenix area during the summer.

Thursday, Sept. 7

On this date in 1865, Camp McDowell was established by five companies of the California Volunteers and named after Maj. Gen. Irwin McDowell.

On this date in 1868, one of the worst rains ever recorded in southern Arizona began and continued until Sept. 11. The Gila River swelled to more than 4 miles in width, destroying everything in its path. Tucson’s new courthouse, completed only a few months earlier, was seriously damaged, with its walls split and roof leaking.

Friday, Sept. 8

On this date in 1850, Congress passed the Omnibus Bill, making Arizona and New Mexico one territory with the proviso that “Nothing in this Act shall be construed to inhibit the United States from dividing said Territory into two or more Territories.”

On this date in 1886, Geronimo and his band were assembled and marched from Fort Bowie to Bowie Station where they were loaded on trains bound for Florida. The 4th Cavalry Regimental Band played “Auld Lang Syne” as the Apaches boarded the trains.

On this date in 1936, a wild buffalo was discovered four miles south of San Simon. It was finally chased into a corral on the Melvis Smith Ranch where it tossed range cows over its head.

Saturday, Sept. 9

On this date in 1899, the Southern Pacific train was held up at Cochise and $10,000 stolen. Two Cochise County law enforcement officers were later caught and convicted of the crime.

On this date in 1921, Old Fort Rucker burned. The 42-year-old fort, situated far up in Rucker Canyon in the Swisshelm Mountains, had been serving as the home of cattleman Charles Rak and his wife at the time of the fire.

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