- Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Oh Father of all Creation, through your Holy Spirit and its wisdom, please grant us the words and actions needed to resolve the most dangerous conflict on Earth. As a nation, we pray for peace and unification on the Korean Peninsula. Let your Holy Spirit change the heart, mind, soul and spirit of the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, so he will realize that all of Korea needs peace and prosperity — not war and destruction.

Please let all the atheistic and evil forces in Northeast Asia be removed and driven out. Change the egos of leaders and their determination for aggression with spiritual wisdom that will lead to peaceful prosperity. Heavenly Parent, give us victory not on the battlefield, but help us to win over the hearts of the Chinese, and North Korean leaders and citizens. Our Father, we also pray for those who are suffering at the hands of intolerant and brutal regimes — may these people be liberated now.

We pray that our enemies can be transformed into our friends. Let their hearts understand our gestures. Dear God, Father of all, please unify the divided families from North and South Korea that yearn to be together. We pray for mothers, fathers, daughters and sons to be joined together and prosper. Guide our leaders to set forth a victory of peace and unification of these divided nations — all for Your glory. We ask for peace, prosperity, freedom and equality for all. Our beloved God, please accept our plea, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Dr. William Ames Curtright, DBA is the CEO of Ames Research Labs and founder of “Gathering of Eagles,” an annual meeting of hundreds of conservative and liberty-minded organizations.

Father, as we gratefully thank You for the majesty of Your creation, there are few places on Earth that cause us to cry out to You more than Korea and our Korean brothers and sisters trapped under the control of godless Communist leaders in the north. We humbly but boldly ask You to pierce the strongholds of darkness. Release this gentle land from the power and control of ruthless men, trapped themselves under a deceitful, destructive, evil ideology. Re-engineer their hearts, O God. You alone can do this. Release them, Father, from the power of lies.

Sustain, uphold and protect Your people in the south. Thank You for their freedom, purchased by blood soaked into Korean soil as a testament to Your great gift of free will. May they not have died in vain. Please turn the hearts of leaders the world over. Protect them, Father, from deception and division. Move them to see, receive and proceed in accord with Your strategy to set Korea free. All of Korea. In grateful thanks for Your sovereign goodness, we pray in profound faith that prayers sincerely offered in accord with Your sovereign will and purposes will be answered. Amen

Nancy Schulze is co-founder, with Vonette Bright, of the American Prayer Initiative, a Fellow with the Colson Center for Christian Worldview and founder of the Congressional Wives Speakers. Please visit: americanprayerinitiative.org.

This is a call to prayer to resolve the conflict between the dictatorship of North Korea and the free nations of South Korea, America and Japan along with the international community. We know that nothing is impossible when we call God in on the situation. As Americans, we are calling upon You, Lord, to help our leaders and people establish peace on the Korean Peninsula. Let all bitterness, wrath and evil speaking be put behind them. Please let them be kind, tender-hearted and forgiving towards each other. We lift up the names and positions of the 12 most important leaders that surround Kim Jong-un, the leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). And we pray that miracles will take place.

The top leader is Kim Jong-un, who is Chairman of the Workers Party of Korea (WPK), Chairman of DPRK State Affairs Commission, and Supreme Commander of Korean People’s Army (KPA). These are top 12 DPRK government officials in his inner circle of power players:

1. Kim Yo’ng-nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

2. Hwang Pyo’ng-so’, Director of KPA General Political Department, Vice-Marshal

3. Pak Pong-ju, Premier of DPRK

4. Ch’oe Ryong-hae, Vice-Chairman of WPK Central Committee

5. Kim Ki-nam, Director of WPK CC Propaganda and Agitation Department

6. Ch’oe T’ae-pok, Director of WPK CC Science and Education Department

7. Ri Myo’ng-su, Chief of KPA General Staff Department, Vice-Marshal

8. Pak Yo’ng-sik, Minister of People’s Armed Forces, KPA 4-star General

9. Ri Su-yong, Director of WPK CC International Department

10. Kim Won-hong, Director of State Security Department, 4-star general

11. Ch’oe Pu-il, Minister of People’s Security, 4-star general

12. Kim Yo’ng-ch’ol, Director of WPK CC United Front Department, KPA 4-star general

Father God, we lift up every one of these men, and pray you will visit them and draw them to you. Thank You, Lord, that you will pour out your spirit on each one of these North Korean leaders, in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, we ask that you diffuse the anger and the hatred in their spirits towards the United States, South Korea and Japan. We pray you can deliver these men from the dominion of darkness and transfer them to the Kingdom of Light, where there is forgiveness and repentance of sin. Let each one of these men repent and believe in the Gospel.

Cleanse the North Korean leadership of any defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. Please let the families of South and North Korea be reunited. Let President Trump be very wise in his decisions. Give him patience to disarm the North Korean leadership and eliminate their desire to attack America. Let there be no war and no attacks. And Satan, we come against you and we take authority over you in the name of Jesus. And we command that all your assignments towards the North Korean people and their leadership to bring havoc and war to America and her allies, is now bound and vanquished.

We plead the blood of Jesus Christ over every evil planned toward America. This horrible evil will cease to be. And the world will stand in awe as people see the power of God enter into this conflict and stop it in its tracks, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.

Joy Lamb is author of “The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God: A Handbook for Praying God’s Word.” Please visit: theswordofthespiritbook.com.

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