- Thursday, August 3, 2017

The recent headlines regarding Republicans backing off support of President Donald Trump are as wrong as the actions of the anti-Trump Republicans themselves. Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake and Mike Lee tried to derail Mr. Trump’s nomination at the Republican Convention. Meesrs. McCain, Flake and Graham were part of the ’gang of four’ that joined with Democrats to pass the Senate immigration-reform bill against the will of the majority of Republicans.

These same senators now speak out in strong support of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but before all facts were available, they joined with Democrats to have Mr. Sessions recuse himself or resign. They also were strong voices for an independent investigator. Well, they got their wish and created a huge, unnecessary problem. The post-Comey FBI and the House and Senate committees were capable of investigating the question of Russian collusion. The Comey-led FBI knew the dossier that was sponsored by the Democratic National Committee was blatantly false.

Mr. McCain is a war hero, but he and his fellow anti-Trump Republicans have betrayed the president, their fellow Republicans, Republican supporters and our country. They need to work with Mr. Trump and congressional Republicans to do the jobs they were elected to do. That means, in part, repeal and replace Obamaare and support tax reform that will lower business and personal taxes.


Centerville, Mass.

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