- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Republicans led by Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis are mulling an amendment that would dramatically cut funding for special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia-President Donald Trump ties.

It’s about time someone in the GOP stepped up to the plate and beat back these ridiculous Russia investigations.

DeSantis is suggesting that if Mueller doesn’t find the dirt on the Donald within six months, then that funding would stop.

His proposed amendment also stops Mueller from looking into Trump-tied matters that took place before June 2015, the time when the businessman-turned-president launched his White House campaign.

These are only common-sense measures. Why should taxpayers keep funding an investigation that goes nowhere? Or, one that digs deep, deep, deep into Trump’s past, well before the point he announced his run for the White House?

That’d be called a witch hunt.

Or, in the words of DeSantis: The order that appointed Mueller as special counsel “didn’t identify a crime to be investigated and practically invites a fishing expedition.”

There’s a small bit of information the mainstream media doesn’t want reported.

“Congress,” DeSantis went on, Politico reported, “should use its spending power to clarify the scope and limit the duration of this investigation. [Deputy Attorney General Rod] Rosenstein has said that the DOJ doesn’t conduct fishing expeditions. The corollary to this admonition should be that Congress will not fund a fishing expedition.”


Democrats, predictably enough, are crying and rushing to keep the Mueller investigation well-funded and alive.

But fact is: If six months isn’t enough to uncover any wrongdoing, then chances are — there’s no wrongdoing to uncover.

And that, in a nutshell, is what terrifies the left.

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