- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 23, 2017

CNN’s Don Lemon reacted with swift outrage to President Donald Trump’s rally in Phoenix, shredding the White House chief in a television rant for — get this — fake statements.

That’s kind of the pot calling the kettle black, yes?

Polite conversation isn’t supposed to bring this up. But CNN hasn’t exactly been the bastion of truth-telling in recent, or even not-so-recent times. Can you say Candy Crowley?

Way back in 2012, when re-election times weren’t looking so great for Barack Obama, CNN’s Crowley helped matters along considerably for the left when she injected herself into the presidential debate and countered contender Mitt Romney — wrongfully so — over the matter of the White House’s shifting narrative on the terror attack in Benghazi that left four Americans dead.

“For fourteen days, [Obama] refused to call it an act of terror,” Romney said then.

Obama denied — and Crowley jumped right in to argue on behalf of Obama. Fact is that Obama only spoke in general terms about “acts of terror,” while failing to specify that Benghazi was indeed a terror attack tied to radical Islamism.

Now fast-forward to today’s CNN.

Where’s the network’s coverage of the violence committed against the right by the far left?

And how about that recent CNN fabrication of a Russia collusion story — you know, the one that led to the resignation of three staffers?

Or, how about the cable outlet’s coverage of Trump in general? CNN’s Chris Cuomo made pretty clear when Trump took over the White House that his job, by gosh, was to watchdog the heck out of the president — as if this were something new to his media job description. And truly, for him, post-Obama era, it very well was.

Well, now comes Lemon, bringing up the rear with an outright attack on Trump’s Phoenix rally.

“I’m just going to speak from the heart here,” Lemon said, The Hill reported. “What we witnessed is a total eclipse of the facts. Someone who came out on stage and lied directly to the American people and left things out that he said in an attempt to rewrite history, especially when it comes to Charlottesville.”

Wait; there’s more.

“He’s unhinged,” Lemon said, speaking of the president. “It’s embarrassing and I don’t mean for us, the media because he went after us, but for the country. This is who we elected president of the United States. A man who is so petty that he has to go after people he deems to be his enemy, like an imaginary friend of a 6-year-old.”

Or, like an Obama administration, which went after Fox News, states that stood tough on border control, tea party-type groups that wanted IRS exemptions, Sharyl Attkisson and Associated Press journalists — and so on.

Lemon also blamed Trump for furthering racism, post-Charlottesville.

“This is the person we elected as president of the United States? This petty, this small a person who’s supposed to pull the country together? Certainly didn’t happen there,” in Phoenix, Lemon wrapped.

Well, here’s a thought: It’s the left and its whole “Resistance Summer” mindset, impeach-Trump mantra, that’s been busy tearing apart the country with riots in the streets, burnings on college campuses, antifa-inspired attacks on innocents. But it’s Trump’s who’s now expected to step in and bridge the gap between the anarchists from the left and the law and order crowd on the right?

Doesn’t make sense.

But then again, neither does the left’s entire way of thinking.

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