- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 2, 2017

President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice is reportedly poised to launch some civil rights investigations, and perhaps lawsuits, against those colleges and universities that discriminate against applicants based on skin color — and hold on, it’s not what you think.

White people, get ready to be shocked. Justice is turning critical eyes at schools that wrongfully keep out whites.

That’s what a read-between-the-lines look at an internal Justice Department memo suggests, anyway, at least to The New York Times.

And if true, hold the phone. It’ll be hard to gauge whose scream is louder, Barack Obama’s or Eric Holder’s. Either way, Black Lives Matter and George Soros just found a new fundraiser.

“[A]ccording to a document obtained by The New York Times,” the newspaper writes, “the civil rights division seeks current lawyers interested in working for a new project on ’investigations and possible litigation related to intentional race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.’ “

And while the document doesn’t specifically state “whites” versus “blacks” or “minorities,” the phrasing — the call to root out “intentional race-based discrimination” — leads to believe that the very admission processes used to boost college minority numbers are being targeted. That, combined with the fact the Justice Department has lost its progressive and social justice activist leanings under this current administration gives rise to the conclusion: Racial quotas for minorities are out, admission policies that treat whites the same as blacks are in, and college affirmative action systems as a whole are on the chopping block.

Thank goodness.

Affirmative action had its time. And its time is so far over. Why should a white guy with a stellar high school record be denied college access simply to make way for a black dude with inferior scholastic ability? Isn’t that in itself a way of saying blacks are inferior to whites?

It’s gotten to the point affirmative action doesn’t open doors to equal access — it grants special access, and often, at the expense of the worthy.

“The civil rights laws were deliberately written to protect everyone from discrimination and it is frequently the case that not only are whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well,” said Roger Clegg, a former civil rights Justice Department official during the White House times of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

Expect massive outcry from the left, though. Discrimination against blacks, Hispanics, women, LGBTs — these are all campaigns that not only fit the left’s narrative against the political right. They’re major means of drumming up political support, and political dollars.

Discrimination against whites?

Not so much.

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