- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Radio host Rush Limbaugh has wry advice for activists targeting historical monuments to combat racism: “You’ve got to get rid of the Democrat Party.”

Criticism of the Jefferson Memorial by the Rev. Al Sharpton, coupled with the tearing down of Confederate monument in North Carolina this week, prompted a race monologue by the eponymous host of “The Rush Limbaugh Show” on Tuesday.

The man behind “the golden EIB microphone” told his millions of listeners that left-wing activists “cannot be mollified” by ridding the nation of Civil War monuments before jokingly laying out a blueprint for success.

“Their whole argument resides on the notion that it hasn’t changed, that there still is, for all intents and purposes, slavery. There still is racism. There still is bigotry,” Mr. Limbaugh said in response to Mr. Sharpton’s appearance Monday night on PBS host Charlie Rose’s show.

Mr. Sharpton called the Jefferson Memorial a “personal” affront akin to subsidizing insults towards his family.

“The Klan was all Democrats, and the segregationists in the South were all Democrats,” Mr. Limbaugh responded. “I’d like to ask a question about this, for those of you on the left. You want to tear down the statues of Robert E. Lee and you want to tear down, now, the Jefferson Memorial if you’re Al Sharpton.”

SEE ALSO: Durham, N.C. Protesters in topple Confederate memorial statue

“But you want to get rid of all of these monuments that have been erected to people and events in our nation’s past, tied to the Civil War, which you find horribly, horribly offensive and you want to get rid of all vestiges. Well, at what point are you gonna realize that you also have to disband the Democrat Party? If you’re gonna really succeed and follow through to the end on this mission, you’ve got to get rid of the Democrat Party.”

The conservative host’s commentary came three days after 32-year-old Heather Heyer was killed during a clash between white supremacists and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia. Cops arrested suspect James Alex Fields, 20, after he plowed his vehicle into a crowd.

“If you cleanse all of these uncomfortable and painful reminders — the statues are down, the roads are renamed, all of these monuments are gone — how is your life on that day made better? How is your standard of living impacted?” Mr. Limbaugh continued. “How is your overall degree of happiness measured?”

“I guarantee you they haven’t thought this far because that’s not what any of this is about. We’re dealing hip deep with an unhinged irrationality that has the full-fledged support of the American media, which remains the organizing power today that projects the power of the American and the worldwide left.”

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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