- The Washington Times - Monday, August 14, 2017

Holy cow, a war is waging against Matt Drudge, of Drudge Report fame, and given the Internet god’s massive media presence — it doesn’t seem smart politicking to threaten him.

Sam Nunberg, a former political adviser to President Donald Trump, said this in an exclusive to The Daily Caller: “If Steve [Bannon] is fired by the White House and a bunch of generals take over the White House, there will be hell to pay.”

Nunberg also expressed being “very perturbed” about an Axios story titled, “Trump suspects Bannon of leaking, putting job in jeopardy,” and the fact the Drudge Report seems to be heavy on the links to anti-Bannon pieces.

And then he said this, of Drudge himself: “Matt should go back into his hobbit hole in Miami and listen to techno. Matt should understand that people like me can blow him the fook up. F-o-o-k, Conor McGregor. Blow him the fook up.”

Nunberg’s f-bomb represents a mock of MMA fighter McGregor, who speaks with an Irish accent.

But wait; there’s more.

“Matt should understand there will be serious f—ing consequences if he continues this jihad against Steve Bannon,” he said, to the Daily Caller. “I want somebody with [Trump] for four and a half f—ing years who understood and came up with a formula to win. … Matt Drudge is somebody who wants web traffic.”

And how exactly will Nunberg take down Drudge?

“I’ll get conservative radio to talk about how Matt Drudge pushed out Steve Bannon so McMaster can control the White House,” he said.

Nunberg said similarly about H.R. McMaster, Trump’s chosen national security adviser, saying he would “blow” him “the fook out” as well.

“Nobody elected Donald Trump to send 50,000 f—ing troops to Afghanistan to stay there in perpetuity,” Nunberg said, referring to a plan he credited to McMaster. “Nobody elected Donald Trump to stay in the Paris accords, which McMaster wanted. Nobody elected him to kowtow to Iran, which McMaster wants.”

Wow. What else to say? Politics brings out the vicious, that’s for sure.

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