- The Washington Times - Thursday, August 10, 2017

Liberals like to say illegals only come to the United States for job opportunities, to help their families, or to flee persecution.

Some. Others, though, come to prey on little kids and to have illegal sex with minors. Still others — to rape adult women.

And we know this because agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement just busted a bunch of them who were taking advantage of Long Island’s quasi-sanctuary policies to hide their sexual-offense pasts.

And all the liberals go — silent.

It’s quasi because both Suffolk and Nassau counties, home of the majority of Long Island’s municipalities, were until very recently, declared and open sanctuaries for illegals.

But post-President Trump, the jurisdictions, fearing loss of federal funds, made great noise to show they’ve reversed those policies and turned from their sanctuary ways. Saying and doing are two different beasts, though.

What’s on paper may not actually work its way into real life.

What’s written as rule may be tacitly overlooked.

For instance, if a liberal enclave wanted to shelter illegals while appearing to comply with federal immigration policy, it would seem fairly simple for politicians to write one set of rules but speak quietly to police and law enforcers of another set.

Regardless, until just recently, Long Island was an open and welcome embrace for illegals. And this is where it’s led.

Called Operation SOAR, for Sex Offender Alien Removal, the 10-day ICE mission led to the arrest of 32 with past criminal convictions that ranged from sexual abuse to attempted rape. Twelve of the 32 arrested were actually registered sex offenders.

Let’s look at the list of these fine upstanding members of sanctuary city society, shall we?

Agents arrested a Salvadoran national, age 24, who’s facing first-degree sexual abuse charges over alleged contact with a little girl — age 4.

Agents arrested a 36-year-old Guatemalan national with a previous conviction of second-degree rape and child endangerment involving a 13 year old.


Agents arrested a 32-year-old Honduran with previous convictions tied to sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child, this time age 15.

All three are now facing deportation proceedings. And that’s just a drop in the scum bucket of the 32 whom ICE rounded up and detained.

A press release from the agency sums the charges on these dirty dozens this way: “Criminal histories of those arrested during the operation are as follows: acting in a manner to injure a child, assault, third degree attempted rape, burglary, attempted sexual abuse, criminal sex act, endangering the welfare of a child, endangering the welfare of a physically disabled person, forcible touching, promoting a sexual performance by a child, public lewdness, first degree rape, second degree rape, third degree rape, reckless endangerment, first degree sexual abuse, second degree sexual abuse, sexual abuse, forcible compulsion, sexual contact with an individual incapable of consent and sexual misconduct.”

That’s quite a mouthful.

And among the arrested were those who entered America illegally from the likes of the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico — some of the places, for instance, that Trump on the campaign trail referenced as sending their worst across the borders.

For that, Trump was vilified. But now?

Reality strikes. And it goes like this: Open borders bring danger. Sanctuary cities and jurisdictions are enablers. And Long Island’s arrests show, if nothing else, just how dug-in the left has become on its all-courts-press for amnesty and sieve-like borders that its leaders would seem to cavalierly trade law and order — and the safety of its most vulnerable populations, the children — for some of the most evil of society. Oh, that the left would open its eyes on the perils of sanctuary jurisdictions and discard these harmful, horrific policies.

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