- The Washington Times - Thursday, August 10, 2017

And among the tensions of North Korea — a half humorous, half reflective Twitter smackdown, courtesy of President Donald Trump, master of the 140-word-and-less messaging.

Trump, in a simple retweet, nonetheless ignited a Trump v. Barack Obama firestorm.

His retweet was a post from ProgressPolls that posed: “Who is a better president of the United States? #Obamaday.”

And beneath, was this clearcut finding: 61 percent Trump, 38 percent Obama.

The ProgressPolls, reflective of 28,589 votes, wrapped Aug. 4 — before the whole “fire and fury” rhetoric that causes such a fiasco among the left and weak-kneed of the right.

Poll participants were quick to share their reasons for supporting Trump over Obama.

“Obama was a globalist puppet and a figure head,” tweeted one. “Trump is an actual leader.”

Another: “He has accomplished more in 6 months than Nobama has in his entire political career!”

Another: “There’s no way it’s this close I would take a pet rock over Obama … Trump 2020.”

And yet one more, a try for context, from a self-described German: “You realize this is a highly biased twitter account that is followed 80% by trump voters? lmao.”

An alert tweeter then busted: “Your not even American. GERMAN.”

But seriously, who else but this president could, with one quick push of a finger, ignite a social media firestorm that results in thousands upon thousands of comments, criticisms, name-callings, attacks, defenses and parries? If war could be waged on Twitter, Kim Jong-un would already be dead. As it is, certainly Obama’s been put in his place.

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