- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 5, 2017

President Donald Trump has a new enemy in town, and thy name is Harvard student.

Specifically, it’s students at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, who’ve just launched a “Resistance School” to fight all things Trump. Guess the name “Propaganda School” was already taken.

The group makes clear it’s student-run, and not officially affiliated with Harvard. But this is what our best and brightest have to offer the country?

Anyhow, the school’s not really a school, but rather a free four-week online course that bills itself as a means for participants to “sharpen the tools we need to fight back at the federal, state and local levels” with an overall goal of keeping “the embers of resistance alive through concrete learning, community engagement and forward-looking action.”

That’s a mouthful.

So let’s break it down into what’s really going on here: Democrats, or more to truth progressives and socialists-in-training, are just ticked to high heaven their beloved Hillary Clinton lost the White House. And Barack Obama, through his Obama Foundation, has created “a living, working start-up for citizenship — an ongoing project for us to shape, together, what it means to be a good citizen in the 21st century.” It’s an umbrella group for anti-Trump activism, a go-to of sorts for the disgruntled left to get involved in some good old fashioned political protests. Activism just happens to be Obama’s thang. Add to that the other anti-Trump organizations that have sprung — the dozens of women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, George Soros-type rights groups that have turned laser focus on the present administration — and the recipe for mass protest is prepared.

College campuses, already sites of several anti-conservative rallies-slash-violent uprisings, are now taking more prominent positions aboard this activist train. This latest “school” idea is pure anti-conservative activism, masked as intellectualism.

“On November 8, we lost more than just the presidency,” the group’s website states. “We lost yet more ground in the decades-long campaign against progressive values. Republicans now control the Senate, House and more state legislatures than they have in almost 200 years. Those losses have emboldened the right to launch an all-out attack against our nation’s creed — that all are created equal.”

So rather than take the message that voters in 2016 were obviously sick and tired of the progressivism that was infiltrating the government and destroying America’s great democratic-republic, and equally as tired as the elitism coursing on Capitol Hill, these Harvard students saw their calling as pushing the country farther left — farther down this progressive-socialist line.

Intriguing. Give the people what they don’t want — and if they resist, shove it harder.

The creators of the “school” have likened themselves to “Dumbledore’s Army,” a reference to a secret group of students in the fictional “Harry Potter” series. “Dumbledore’s Army” was created to fight the evil dark magic at the otherwise good magic school of wizardry.

And they’ve reached out to “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling, to ask if she’d participate.

Well and good. Students ought to involve themselves in the political matters of the day, if for no other reason than to gain real-life experience about the government, the Constitution, and how to serve and preserve the country envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

Too bad this group isn’t that. No, it’s more a platform for disgruntled progressives to feed off each others’ dissatisfaction, and in so doing, breed more progressives to feed off their dissatisfaction — the sad but true circle of life for the left.


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