- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, folks. The latest example is the liberal reaction to first lady Melania Trump’s official portrait, which was unveiled on Monday.

Cosmopolitan Magazine declared the photo was heavily airbrushed — Cosmo, of all sources, which heavily airbrushes many of its scantily clad cover models every month.

Mrs. Trump’s face “appeared to be heavily airbrushed,” the women’s magazine lamented, adding a bit of snark: “This soft lighting is like only the classiest ’90s mall glamour shot photo could offer!”

Wire service Agence France-Presse reported: “Melania Trump portrait stirs controversy,” which was then carried and featured on the front-page of Yahoo News on Tuesday.

“While some commenters gushed that the first lady was ’beyond beautiful’ and ’gorgeous,’ others mocked the image as highly airbrushed and compared the gauzy background — a window in the White House residence — to 1990s school portrait settings,” AFP reported.

Former Comedy Central “The Nightly Show” writer Sasha Stewart wrote on Twitter, “Anyone know why Melania Trump’s portrait was taken in front of the Muppet Babies window?”

The Hollywood Reporter took offense Mrs. Trump wore her wedding ring in the picture.

“Melania Trump’s official White House portrait puts her 15-carat wedding ring front and center,” its headline blared, adding: “Compared to Michelle Obama’s first official portrait first portrait, which shows the former first lady in the now-famous sleeveless Michael Kors dress in the Blue Room of the White House in 2009, Melania’s portrait has an almost surreal glow about it, not unlike a mall glamour shot. The air of perfection, however, might just be a result of her prior experience as a professional model. We’ll never know.”

The U.K.’s Daily Express also took note of her ring, saying she was “flaunting an ENORMOUS diamond ring” and “chose to flaunt her wealth, power and status in her first official portrait as First Lady.”

You know what I think? So what? The picture’s gorgeous, and her ring is beautiful. She and her husband made no secret of their wealth when Mr. Trump ran for office, so why are we shocked now?

There’s no reason. Unless you’re looking to nitpick. Unless you detest Mr. Trump and his presidency so much, nothing is off limits, including his criticism of his wife. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome. And unfortunately, I think it’s an incurable disease for many in the media.

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