- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Here’s everything the American people hate about the mainstream media, rolled into one talking head mouth: Don Lemon’s from CNN.

Lemon came out swinging against Susan Rice’s critics in his recent broadcast. Heck, he practically came out swinging against anybody who even mentions her name publicly — showcasing, yet again, the absolute propensity for MSM members to bury their heads in the sand on any story that smells bad for Democrats.

Rice is only the biggest story in the media cycle these recent hours, due to a Bloomberg report from Eli Lake about her supposed unmasking of names in U.S. intelligence reports of those tied to President Donald Trump.

Lemon simply ignored that, and instead, went with this: The White House is using Trump’s Twitter account, its press briefing room and “right-wing media” to fuel this story.

“Let’s be very clear about this,” Lemon said, as Mediate noted. “There is no evidence whatsoever that the Trump team … was spied on illegally. There is no evidence that backs up the president’s original claim.”

On that, Lemon was referring to Trump’s tweets about Team Barack Obama wiretapping his conversations at Trump Tower.

“And on this program tonight,” Lemon went on, “we will not insult your intelligence by pretending otherwise, nor will we aid and abet the people who are trying to misinform you, the American people, by creating a diversion.”

A diversion?

Didn’t know Bloomberg, where the report on Rice first appeared, was a “right-wing media” organization with intent to create a “diversion” from — from what exactly? Ostensibly, Lemon meant that the Rice story — which has gained legs in recent hours with the call by Sen. Rand Paul for the former national security adviser, Rice, to testify under oath on Capitol Hill — diverts and distracts from the real stories of the day, which are, simply put, those that show Trump in a bad light.

Like the whole Russians-rigged-the-election line of thought first brought forth by Barack Obama in his dying days of his administration, and then fueled and fired by eager Democrats who, to this day, can’t stand the idea Hillary Clinton lost.

Like the whole Devin Nunes-is-a-secret-and-shady-White-House partner line of thought, compromising his House Intel committee position with back-door dealings aimed at protecting Trump.

Like the whole Trump-needs-to-be-impeached deal that’s coming hot and heavy from more Democratic corners than can be counted — absent, of course, any type of criminal allegation, criminal deed and-or criminal proceeding.

Honest political watchers might actually see those stories as the “diversions,” as the planted hit jobs aimed solely at taking down the Trump administration. But to Lemon and his ilk? That’s Real News.

And Susan Rice is not.

So to sum, Lemon’s view is this: Stories about Democrats behaving badly — bad. Stories that show Republicans behaving badly, even when they’re not — good.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why America hates the press.

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