- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, one of America’s hotspots for liberals-slash-progressives, just voted on a resolution to start impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

Sigh. The City Council actually voted on this. Seven-to-one, with one abstention.

The resolution asks the House of Representatives to “look into the president’s various business interests, and their potential violation of the foreign emoluments clause of domestic emoluments clause of the Constitution,” Cambridge Patch reported.

The clause the resolution refers to is one that prohibits the executive from profiting from certain sources other than his presidential salary while serving in office.

And its wording comes thanks to Impeach Donald Trump Now, a group that’s introduced similar resolutions in California and Vermont and hopes to bring the call to a community near you.

“From the moment he assumed the office, President Donald Trump has been in violation of the U.S. Constitution,” the group states on its website. “The president is not above the law. We will not allow President Trump to profit from the presidency at the expense of our democracy.”

Who’s behind this campaign?

A group called Free Speech for People — the “campaign to de-charter Trump Inc.,” according to its website — and another called RootsAction, a nonprofit that calls for website visitors to “be one of the first to sign” the “Impeach Trump Now” petition.

And in Cambridge, the matter was brought to the City Council’s desks by a community organization called Cambridge Area Stronger Together, CAST. which bills itself as an organization “to promote and defend human rights, civil rights, social justice and the environment by building a diverse and sustainable community of activism.”

Apparently, Trump does not fit the CAST mold.

Watch for this movement to spring in more spots around the nation. Democrats, since November, when they watched their candidate, Hillary Clinton, go down in flames, have been plotting how best to take out Trump. Impeachment is their message of choice — and it’s a process the left is bat-crazy to bring about.

One can only wonder about their logic, though. If Trump’s impeached, Mike Pence will assume the high office — Mike Pence of Christian, conservative, virtuous roots.

Heck, if Democrats won’t quit the call for impeachment, maybe the best recourse is to give it to ’em. Watching their faces fall in shock as Pence governs with an eye toward God might just be the ticket to keep them quiet for a while.

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